Recent Advances in Concussion Treatment

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Recent Advances in Concussion Treatment

As medical technology and mental health awareness improve, concussion detection and treatment is becoming more effective. This article discusses how blood tests, medication, activity, and technology are being used to prevent, diagnose, and treat concussions.

Properly recognizing and treating concussions can make all the difference between making a full recovery or developing a serious condition such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Fortunately, scientific and medical understanding of concussions is constantly improving. Below are four promising recent advancements in treating concussions.

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Blood Tests

Recent research has shown that an abnormally high presence of certain proteins in the blood can indicate brain trauma. This is because head trauma causes certain biomarkers from the brain to break through the blood-brain barrier and enter the bloodstream. Researchers still have to determine exactly how much indicates brain trauma, but learning how to test a patient’s blood to gauge the presence and extent of trauma to the brain may soon be taught to aspiring professionals in nursing and medical schools.


Another promising area of research is in the so-called “concussion pill.” Researchers at Harvard Universities have managed to create an antibody that attacks and destroys the misshapen proteins which cause CTE. This could revolutionize not just concussion treatments, but also treatments for other neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s. The researchers hope to have the antibody available in pill form in just a few years. In the meantime, due to their research, the medical community’s understanding of what causes CTE continues to improve.

Active Treatments

In the past, treatment for a concussion simply involved resting and staying away from bright lights and loud noises. As researchers start to better understand how trauma affects the brain, they have started to develop more active concussion treatments to rehabilitate the damaged areas of the brain. This can lead to a quicker recovery time as well as a reduction in symptoms related to concussions such as pain, mood swings, and irritability.

Improved Technology

The earlier you catch a concussion, the more effective treatment will be. This is why scientists are pouring research into helmets that can detect the speed and severity of an impact and calculate the possibility of serious injury. Many schools and professional sports teams are also using computer software that measures cognitive processes such as reaction time, concentration, and memory to detect concussions right away. The sooner you can diagnose a concussion, the sooner you can start treatment, which results in a more positive outcome.

In short, understanding of how to recognize and treat a concussion is constantly improving. It is only a matter of time before medical professionals have a diversity of options at their fingertips to help their patients make a full recovery.

By  Shae HollandEmbed

Shae Holland is a freelance writer based out of Bismarck, ND, with a degree in General Studies. She writes on a variety of topics and loves learning new things. In her spare time she enjoys reading, gardening, and hunting.


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