How the Internet Revolutionized Medicine

Monday, June 12, 2017

How the Internet Revolutionized Medicine


The Internet changes everything it touches, from entertainment to education. The medical profession is no exception. Thanks to the onset of the Internet, modern healthcare benefits from improved communication, more comprehensive education, and more.

The Internet has changed how we work, study, and socialize. And it has also changed how we track, maintain, and treat our health. It enables medical professionals around the world to collaborate on and develop better treatments for long-standing medical problems. Smart phones and health-related apps have even changed the way patients interact with their healthcare providers.

Improved Access to Research and New Discoveries

Thanks to the Internet, medical professionals from different hospitals, research centers, and universities to exchange information with one another. The increased ability to collaborate with other medical professionals and their patients around the world accelerates the understanding of medical challenges and formulation of possible solutions. Furthermore, students in medical school are now receiving a better education than ever because they have instant access to current research and experts from around the world.
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Clearer Communication Between Doctors and Patients 

Internet-based medical information portals have vastly improved communication between doctors and their patients. Doctors can post a patient’s latest lab results, vital signs, and medical history in real time. Patients have access to the information from any location at any time. A medical information portal also allows direct communication between patients and their doctors via email in case of complications or new developments.

Remote Monitoring 

The Internet has made it possible for medical professionals to monitor their patients remotely, reducing the need for hospital confinement. For example, a patient with a pacemaker can be monitored in the comfort of his or her own home using a small monitoring device. The device sends and receives instructions on how to adjust the patient's pacemaker, and alerts the doctor if something goes wrong.

Smart Devices & Mobile Applications 

Patients have the ability to monitor their own heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels using smart devices and corresponding smartphone apps. Recent developments in closed-loop technology helps patients maintain their ongoing healthcare needs without human intervention. An example of closed-loop technology is the artificial pancreas. The artificial pancreas is for people over the age of 14 who suffer from Type I diabetes. The device automatically monitors the patient's blood sugar levels and administers insulin when needed, without human intervention.

The Internet has revolutionized medicine in many ways; the examples above are just a few of the ways our health has changed for the better. The future of medicine is limited only by our imagination, and will only continue to improve as the Internet’s database of medical information expands.

By  Shae HollandEmbed

Shae Holland is a freelance writer based out of Bismarck, ND, with a degree in General Studies. She writes on a variety of topics and loves learning new things. In her spare time she enjoys reading, gardening, and hunting.


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