Jump In: 3 Ways To Break Your Way Into Food Blogging

Monday, May 8, 2017

Jump In: 3 Ways To Break Your Way Into Food Blogging


Blogging has been a staple of the Internet for years now. It's fun, informative and can even be a very lucrative endeavor. But say you want to start a blog, particularly on the subject of food.

How should you go about doing it? This guide will go over three approaches you can take to break your way into food blogging.

1. Have An Excellent Background

One good way to break into food blogging is simply to be a recognizable figure in the food industry, whether you worked at a restaurant, were a noted food critic, a farmer, or were involved in any food-related profession. Even if you just have had a passion for food and cooking your whole life, this can translate into an excellent, accurate and interesting blog for readers. The key is to know what you're talking about in order to be seen as credible, and name recognition can never hurt.

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2. Network With Other Food Blogs

A great way for your blog to gain attention is to have guest posts from other, more established food bloggers. This goes the other way too - you should seek out established food blogs and try and get your content published on them. This serves as advertising for your fledgling blog, as your credentials will be stated in your byline. Many blogs will even pay for the content. Connecting with other food bloggers is invaluable because of the advice and support they can give you, as well as the readership you can both draw to each other. You might even be able to advertise your blog on theirs, so connecting with others is an excellent way to break into food blogging.

3. Have A Desirable Niche

With all the food blogs and websites out there, how will yours stand out and be different? Having a target audience can help in particular, as well as a range of specific topics to cover and a unique voice or sense of humor. You can target a Millennial audience using familiar products such as K-Cup Pods, like those offered by 11th Street Coffee, or working moms by posting about easy to cook but healthy meals. Whatever your niche is, find it, because having one will make it that much easier to garner an audience and thus break into food blogging.

It can be tough to make a go of it when blogging, especially if you're trying to make money from it rather than just as a hobby. There are several ways and methods to try when breaking into food blogging, so attempt the ones that suit your situation to have the best chance of success.

By  33rd SquareEmbed

Emma is a freelance writer currently living in Boston. When not writing, she enjoys baking and indoor rock climbing. Find her on Google +.


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