3 Tech Tools Changing The World Behind The Scenes

Monday, May 1, 2017

3 Tech Tools Changing The World Behind The Scenes


In recent times, technology has evolved from being a luxury into a basic necessity. There are an astounding number of tech tools that have been developed over the last five decades; it’s almost impossible to compose a list of them all.

Since we can’t take a look at all of the innovations changing out world, here are just a few interesting ones changing day to day life without a lot of fanfare.

The Sapien Transcatheter Aortic Valve

Health care, being the backbone of any society, deserves the first mention for technological innovations. One exceptional innovation, in both tools and procedures, is the Sapien Transcatheter Aortic Valve. The STAV stands out as a miracle to some for the way it has changed surgeons’ approach to heart surgeries. The STAV was developed by Edwards Life Sciences and is quickly becoming a preferred alternative to traditional open heart surgery to treat conditions like aortic stenosis. The STAV is a bovine tissue that is inserted into the femoral artery of a patient as a replacement for an aortic root or aortic valve. As these types of lifesaving devices become more accessible, risk of heart defect related deaths will lower. Similar medical marvels are being created every day.

Transcatheter Aortic Valve

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Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

The electronic funds transfer, also referred to as Automated Clearing House, has significantly transformed the global banking and financial sectors. By replacing the traditional methods of money transfer such as paychecks, EFTs have not just brought convenience but have also sealed fraud loopholes.

While most young people today haven’t experienced a world without EFT, those old enough to remember are certainly happy to have it. EFT has made domestic and foreign transactions alike extremely easy and safe. The instantaneous nature of these transfers allows businesses to keep real-time statistics and manage money accurately. The utilization of credit cards and electronic payment technologies continues to grow and change in today’s market, and will likely be vastly different within the next 20 years.

Food Safety Monitoring Systems

Food safety monitoring systems, such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), have significantly reduced dangers associated with food production and preparation. These programs are designed to monitor critical limits of temperatures, prompt corrective actions, and identify other hazards to keep food handling safe. Companies like Sensoscientific, Inc. have created mobile apps that can be used to monitor readings and information from the monitoring system from a phone or tablet. These types of automated systems allow food handlers to stay compliant from farm to table without need for micromanagement or unnecessary effort. While there are thousands of significant innovations happening around the world every day, these are just a few that are making waves behind the scenes.

By  Brooke ChaplanEmbed

Author Bio - 33rd Square contributor Brooke Chaplan is recent graduate of New Mexico University where she studied journalism. She loves to hike, bike, run and explore around her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She also enjoys blogging about health, fitness, fashion and many other topics.


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