4 New Home Heating and Cooling Technologies Introduced in the Last Ten Years

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

4 New Home Heating and Cooling Technologies Introduced in the Last Ten Years

Home Automation

Technology has come a long way since the early 2000s. Digital components, advanced sensors and countless other improvements have made heating and cooling easy for the standard household or business.

Explore the newest advancements in the past 10 years that have defined the HVAC industry.

Energy Star Appliances

Energy Star products continue to improve as their components are optimized for power efficiency. Furnaces, air compressors and blowers are a few of the appliances that are available in Energy Star compliance units. These products must meet strict, quality standards when they're designated as Energy Star components. You'll save money and protect the environment with an upgrade to any Energy Star appliance because they run with as little power as possible. Intelligent components hidden within the designs make their power-consumption factors almost negligible.

Programmable Thermostats

Guessing on the home's interior temperature isn't necessary anymore with the advent of programmable thermostats. Some companies, like Bryant Air Conditioning, Heating, Electrical & Plumbing, know how nice it can be to set your thermostat and forget it. There are even digital control panels that tell you the temperature from across the room. Set the temperature at the panel or with your connected smartphone. These technologies continue to improve because they can also be accessed from a remote location. Turn on your heat or air conditioning before you arrive home from work. Comfort is the goal with these products installed on nearly any HVAC system.

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Heat Pumps

A simple yet effective technology that's relatively new is the heat pump. Air transfers occur with these pumps, which moves hot air into the home in the winter while moving cool breezes into the interior during the summer. Choose from three different types of heat pumps, such as geothermal, air or water. Your HVAC professional can select the right pump for your climate. They use minimal electricity, which is a stark contrast to less efficient systems using forced air.

Solar Energy Sources

Solar power used to be a luxury item afforded by only a few people and businesses. With paneling and installation prices dropping, nearly any household can afford solar panels and sustainable energy. Simply orient the panels toward the sun, and you have instant access to free energy. Today's HVAC systems connect seamlessly into the solar-energy configurations so that you barely spend any money on heating and cooling.

Today's contractors have more experience than ever in their respective fields. Contacting and interviewing several contractors is crucial to finding the best people in the industry. With reputable partners by your side, a home or business can be heated and cooled with efficiency and ease.

By  Rachelle WilberEmbed


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