Tiny Tech: 5 Amazing New Nanotechnologies

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tiny Tech: 5 Amazing New Nanotechnologies


Nanotechnology is the technology and science of extremely small things that are typically less than 100 nanometers (nm) long. A nanometer is 10-9 long or about as long as three atoms sitting side by side. The technologies being developed at nanoscales will have major impacts on our future.

Nanotechnology is the technology and science of extremely small things that are typically less than 100 nanometers (nm) long. A nanometer is 10-9 long or about as long as three atoms sitting side by side. Things that small have different properties than do larger things, and nanotechnology has many different possible applications:

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Treating cancer

Last year, scientists developed “nanocarriers” that can directly deliver cancer drugs to the patient’s tumor and thus reduce the damage to neighboring healthy cells. Some of them are so tiny they can slip through the walls of blood vessels on their way to the tumor.

Scientists are currently working on nanoparticles that will be able to recognize cancerous cells by their molecular structure. A variant nanoparticle called a nanoshell will be able to absorb light and then generate sufficient heat to kill the cancer cells.

Improving solar cells

Improving the efficiency of solar power has long been a challenge. Even today, a solar cell converts only about 20 percent of visible light—like that from the sun—into electricity.

Researchers at the Kyoto Institute announced in January 2017 that have built a “nano-sized” semiconductor with a narrower bandwidth concentrated on the shorter wavelengths that produce more heat and energy. The new semiconductor proved able to convert at least 40 percent of light into energy.


Veelo is a class of nanotubes made by the company General Nano. The nanotubes are lightweight with conductive properties and can therefore be used in both airplanes and spacecraft. One type, called Veelo Blac, is described as “super-black” and can absorb over 99.6 percent of visible light. It can therefore absorb reflection and interference from light produced by stars, the moon and other sources. NASA will be using it on the mini-satellites or CubeSats that will be launched in 2018.

Wearable electronics

Wearable electronics like the Apple Watch aren’t just a fashion statement. They can be used as medical monitors, military GPS trackers and many other things. To fulfill their potential, wearable electronics need better energy sources, sensors and other devices—and those components have to be small. The various makers of wearable electronics are exploring the possibilities of using nanomaterials like silver nanowires graphene or carbon nanotubes.

Ultimate waterproofing

A company based in Britain called P2i has developed a nanotechnology called Aridion that can repel any liquid. It’s a polymer coating that can be sprayed on an object like a smartphone. If the smartphone gets wet, the liquid simply forms beads on its surface. Since the coating is less than 50 nm thick, the smartphone won’t look any different from an unprotected phone. The phone’s innards can also be sprayed and protected. Aridion was originally developed to protect soldiers’ uniforms from poisonous or corrosive chemicals.

By  Dixie SomersEmbed

Author Bio - Dixie is a freelance writer who loves to write about business, finance and self improvement. She lives in Arizona with her husband and three beautiful daughters.


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