Cosmetic Surgery No Longer a Taboo

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Cosmetic Surgery No Longer a Taboo

Body Modification

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2015 there were almost 16 million surgical and minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures performed in the U.S. solely. If we take into consideration the fact that since 2000 the number of overall procedures has risen by 115%, it is evident that the industry is experiencing a significant growth.

What triggered this shift at the start of the new millennium is, among other things, the change in the doctor-patient relationship. Namely, patients today have more options regarding cosmetic surgery than ever before and are being provided with the opportunity to work closely with the surgeon of their choice, what allows them to focus on specific areas on their body they wish to improve. The following article will provide you with the reasons behind the popularity of cosmetic surgery, the most popular types of procedures, as well as all the benefits that come with them.

The Psychology behind Cosmetic Surgery

What many emphasize as the most prominent benefit of cosmetic surgery is its ability to boost one’s self-image, ultimately having positive impact on a person’s mental health. There are also various researches proving that there is a correlation between going under knife to improve appearance and our emotional state.

Naturally, a number of psychologist comment on the fact that cosmetic procedures are nothing more than quick solutions and shortcuts to happiness; nevertheless, in certain cases, the procedure is justified, as the reasons for surgery are rooted in deep insecurities and represent only a small part of a much more serious psychological problem. In order to determine the patient’s real motif to undergo a certain cosmetic procedure, the surgeon in hand is obliged to conduct an interview with that patient and make the final decision whether the entire process is absolutely necessary or not.
Keeping up with the Hollywood Trends

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Beauty is subjective; yet, through history, we have idolized certain historical figures and numerous celebrities, thus stating that their looks are the definition of beauty. Starting with Cleopatra, who so boldly wore her eyeliner that even women of the 21st century are obsessed with this makeup trend, to the influential Kardashian family, their hourglass figures and luscious lips we all know are not the work of Mother Nature.

To prove that Kardashians and other 90210 residents are setting the cosmetic surgery trends, we will only mention that the buttock implants were the fastest growing type of cosmetic procedure; in fact, these procedures were so popular that on average, there was one performed every 30 minutes.

As already mentioned, it is not just the buttock lifts and implants, but we are seeing and increased interest in a multitude of different procedures. Furthermore, with Hollywood divas having a global influence, it is no wonder that people all over the world opt for different cosmetic procedures - Europe, Asia and Australia, especially the growing popularity of cheek implants Sydney area is experiencing.

Age is Just a Number

Yes, the old proverb says that you are only as old as toy feel; still, 34% of people aged 40-54 decide to go under knife in order to slow down the process of aging. The demand for rather subtle anti-aging procedures is rising, and more and more people decide they need eyelid surgery and facelifts, all because they wish to rejuvenate their face. We also see a number of people choosing non-surgical procedures, such as fillers and botox, as well as facelifts and eyelid corrections.
Most Commonly Performed Procedures

Although the term plastic surgery used to be synonymous with facelifts, a number of different types of procedures are taking the world by storm. In the past 16 years, we have witnessed an immense growth in popularity when it comes to breast augmentation, liposuction, nose reshaping, eyelid surgery and tummy tucks; when talking about minimally-invasive procedures, in 2015 there were 6.7 million botulinum toxin type A procedures, 2.4 million soft tissue fillers, 1.3 million chemical peels, as well as 1.1. million laser hair removals.

Everybody’s doing it

Many are those who assume that women are the ones who most commonly opt for some kind of surgical procedure. Still, we are seeing rising popularity of cosmetic procedures among men, and more and more of them are deciding to tighten and tone certain problem areas. Although men account for only about 10% of all cosmetic surgical procedures, ASAPS research shows that the number of male cosmetic procedures has increased by more than 100% between 1997 and 2012.

Liposuction, eyelid, nose, ear surgery and male breast reduction are currently the most popular procedures among men, however, it is interesting to mention that when it comes to Gynecomastia (breast reduction surgery), they account for around 40%. It is often younger men who face genetic challenges when it comes to the size and the shape of their breast; in such cases, plastic surgery can make a significant difference in their lives.

The Bottom Line

Cosmetic surgery became widely accessible and is as such no longer reserved for the celebrities, and with the number of technological advancements, the recovery period has been reduced to a minimum. Because we come across many extreme cases of ‘cosmetic surgery gone wrong’ cases, there are those who still frown upon these practices. Still, if a person thoroughly examines their reasons and consults with a reputable expert about them, a particular procedure can bring a multitude of benefits, not only to that person’s physical appearance, but mental health as well.

By  Ian PearsonEmbed

Author Bio - Aside from primary area of interest and expertise in business consulting, Ian could be tagged also as a passionate sports fan, nature and photography enthusiast, always trying to keep up to date with tech innovations and development, with particular interest in trying to master the fine art of Social intelligence.


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