Speed to Spare: Technology Trends in Healthcare Today

Friday, October 7, 2016

Speed to Spare: Technology Trends in Healthcare Today


In the last few years, the healthcare industry has introduced several new technologies. These innovations are amazing and they are changing the way healthcare professionals interact with their patients.

Individual patient care will always be important, but many doctors are realizing the importance of providing a continuum of care to their local community. The newest technology trends are improving healthcare delivery systems, level of care, and much more.

Social Media and the Medical Industry

The medical community is making strides in the social media industry. Patients can use social media to connect with doctors and nurses. In some programs, patients are even able to schedule their own medical appointments. The digital self-scheduling technology will allow patients to share their medical records with various institutions and get help with specific situations more quickly. Artificial intelligence also has an important role in self-scheduling technology. In the next few years, hospitals will focus on training robots. These robots will perform several basic administrative tasks.

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Biotechnology and Science Fiction

For many doctors, science fiction is a reality. Biotechnology companies have successfully printed organs and customized prosthetics. Scientists are taking the technology one step further with digital tattoos. A digital tattoo can measure vital signs and health parameters. The information can be shared with patients via smartphones. Scientists have also created augmented reality devices that can project digital images. Medical holographic images allow doctors to see inside a patient's muscular and skeletal system. The holographs can prepare surgeons for difficult medical procedures.

Accurate Health Information

In the past, tracking patient health care information in real-time was a challenging task. Transporting patients to different medical facilities made the process even more difficult. Patients had to be hooked up to several monitors. In medical emergencies, doctors and nurses cannot waste time. Today, doctors can use glucose meters and phones to track important medical information. This medical innovation ensures that the medical team always has accurate information. It also gives the patient a more holistic experience.

The healthcare delivery model has changed in the last few decades thanks to new technology. In the early 20th century, doctors were focused on treating diseases. In the 21st century, doctors and nurses are doing more than treating acute illnesses. The focus on preventative health care and technology is creating a more feasible healthcare model. A few years ago people might have asked, “What is a bachelor of science in nursing?” and now, medicine and science are so intertwined it isn’t hard to see the future of medicine becoming even more technology based.

By  Brooke ChaplanEmbed

Author Bio - 33rd Square contributor Brooke Chaplan is recent graduate of New Mexico University where she studied journalism. She loves to hike, bike, run and explore around her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She also enjoys blogging about health, fitness, fashion and many other topics.


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