5 Incredible Manufacturing Innovations You Have to See to Believe

Thursday, September 8, 2016

5 Incredible Manufacturing Innovations You Have to See to Believe


Time Magazine recently offered a list of the best inventions around. From hoverboards, to sensor technology, to tech tools for your baby, here are five of our favorites.

Inventors and their creations have fueled the economic impetus of many countries and have served to inspire and excite consumers as each new year offers updated and improved versions. Recently, Time Magazine offered a list of the 25 Best Inventions. Five of the best, most imaginative and downright exciting inventions are condensed for everyone here.

Hoverboard Scooter

Combine a Segway with a skateboard and include two balancing gyroscopes to create what Marty McFly rode around on when he wasn't in the Delorean during Back to the Future. While the Hoverboard does not hover, it is lighter and stronger owing to the improvements in steel production by the use of the electric arc technique. Some companies, like Ceramic Technology Inc., know how important steel manufacturing technology is to the modern world, modern inventions, and developments. The hoverboard is less expensive than the full-size Segway model and definitely cooler.

The Nima Sensor

This compact device analyzes food samples for traces of gluten which causes severe reactions in those persons with celiac disease or just sensitive to gluten. A future version will identify the presence of peanut products in food which can cause life-threatening reactions for the many people with this allergy.

Bionic Earbuds

If you have trouble hearing normal conversations in noisy bars or restaurants where extraneous noises interfere and make conversation difficult, the HearOne earbuds can selectively tune out the noise and allow for normal conversation. These compact devices work great for airline travel as well.


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The Juno

A desktop DNA lab; while the price ($120,000) would eliminate it for home use, it will become a must-have for police department investigative and forensic labs. With the Juno, analysis time has been greatly reduced, and the criminal deterrent for departments using the Juno will be great.



This next-generation baby monitor sends heart, temperature, and other vital signals, to now more comfortable moms and dads keeping baby safe while parents are away from the nursery. A society can be judged by the work of its inventors. Their creations improve the way we live.

For primary adopters, new inventions finds places in the homes first of the people most willing to pay to be on the cutting edge of technology. Then, as the product is improved through repeat development cycles, the prices decline, and some items become part of the standard inventory of every home and garage. While some of these inventions seem like great fun, like the hoverboard, others like the Juno desktop DNA lab and the Nima sensor have very practical applications. Time will tell which ones become mainstays.

By Rachelle WilberEmbed


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