4 Ways Computer Science Is Changing Our Society

Monday, August 1, 2016

4 Ways Computer Science Is Changing Our Society

Computer Science

Computer science has not only changed the way we conduct our lives, it has also created new jobs, and even helped preserve antiquity. Here are four concrete ways that computer science has changed the world.

Computer science has changed the world in ways that people couldn't have imagined just 20 or 30 years ago. Computers have not only changed the way we conduct our personal lives, they have also opened up jobs, created new jobs, and even helped preserve antiquity. Here are four concrete ways that computer science has changed the world.


The global economy dictates that documents be translated quickly. From the newest Harry Potter novel to the most pressing legal documents, translation bridges the gap between cultures. In the past, this painstaking process existed in the realm of language professionals. In the computer age, it still does, but the process is sped up considerably thanks to computer science, according to an article on the Wired website.

Specifically, a computer is able to scan patterns, words, and phrases between two languages faster than any human can. While translation will probably always require the aid of human translators, using computers helps language professionals more quickly spot and correct problems than they could have on their own.

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Sorting Information

Millions and millions of bits of information explode onto the Internet every day. Because of this, new jobs in networking, database management, and software creation exist today that didn't 20 years ago. For the person who wants to learn the skills to manage all this new information, a degree in computer science is practical.

Some of the fastest-growing jobs, including translation, forensic science, and statisticians rely on being able to process information quickly. The person who can create the software to help this process along and to help sort it in a meaningful way will find a position in tomorrow's new economy. Programs like an online master’s of computer science can help people break into a career in the tech industry.

Computing Scientific Probabilities

Much of the science world relies on using mathematics on a large scale. Being able to process the statistical probability of real-world problems like the spread of disease means scientists get answers more quickly to pressing problems. Computer science leads the charge in this endeavor. Aside from projecting outcomes, computer science has another use here. Scientists around the globe can more readily share information with their colleagues, allowing them to collaborate on big projects without ever leaving home.

Creative Commons

Documents, pictures, videos, and illustrations in the realm of the Creative Commons got a major boost from computer science. For example, one of the largest collections of public domain books is on the Project Gutenberg website. Novels like "Frankenstein," "Dracula," and "The Metamorphosis," along with some more obscure books are available free of charge on this online library. At the time of this writing, Project Gutenberg has transcribed and uploaded 50,000 classic and antique books for the public to enjoy. Other uses for this type of project include museum databases and online genealogy sites.

Computer science has given us more than just access to our daily emails. As the above examples show, it has changed the way we communicate, the way we catalogue information, the way we participate in the scientific process, and given us access to the most important ancient texts. Truly, not since the invention of the printing press has technology world changed so much.

By Anica Oaks Embed

Author Bio - A recent college graduate from University of San Francisco, Anica loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she's used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here. 


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