How New Sustainable Technologies Could Create a Green Future

Sunday, June 19, 2016

How New Sustainable Technologies Could Create a Green Future


Sustainable technologies are continuing to develop, bringing us closer to a green future. From advances in building materials, to architecture, to green, nanotechnology, here are a few interesting examples.

There is no doubt that much of the new sustainable technology has the potential to help build a new and better place to live. In addition, there are green-oriented sustainability strategies today being implemented, such as:

  • Sustainability: A non-compromised means to meet future needs on the planet by keeping damage or depletion of the earth's natural resources to a minimum. 
  • "Cradle-to-Cradle" Design: Promoting the innovated design of re-used or recycled items. 
  • Source Reduction: Re-designing production models in order to eliminate or reduce waste and pollution.
  • Innovation: Developing options to existing technologies that pose a danger to health and the environment.
  • Viability: Developing cutting-edge innovations in ideas and technologies that are practical, cost-effective and create new careers as well.

Taking the proverbial bull by the horns, many facets of society have already begun sustainable programs to deal with the increasing problems for planet earth.

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The Roofing Industry

In the construction industry, developing more heat-resistant materials for specially formulated paints such as the color green, is now being more widely accepted and used. This particular color made with latest paint material is already known to reduce heat on a roof to help save energy costs.

Green Architecture

The Passivhaus Standard, or designing buildings for minimal demand on energy costs and natural resources, was first developed globally during the 1990s. As such, it is already implemented in many circles as it becomes the industry standard for eco-friendly building.

Along with this effective mindset, everything from choosing the right building materials to where and how a building is located, comes into play. In this way, professionals with a master’s in civil engineering can influence the green movement by incorporating new technologies and a green mindset into private and commercial building construction. If you have an interest in green architecture, visit here for more information.

Governmental/Institutional Purchasing Initiatives

Making it part of a viable strategy to research products, services and means of production that have a minimal impact on the environment sets in motion an expanded program at many levels of the economy. This necessarily dictates the creation of more departments to handle this large chore.

Green Nanotechnology

Using nanotechnology, or the manipulation of certain materials in nanometers, is a growing trend in today's sectors of energy, medical science and industries as well.

Today, green oriented technologies such as artificial photosynthesis, solar windows technology, waste and sewer treatment technology to ensure filtration of sewer systems and eco-concrete, are all geared towards lessening the impact of man-made damage to this planet. Sustainability today is not a question of a futuristic "if." It now has become a "how", "where" and "how much."

By Anica OaksEmbed

Anica is a professional content and copywriter who graduated from the University of San Francisco. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she's used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here. Anica writes on behalf of the University of Florida, with degree programs such as a bachelor of science in biology that advance the development of biofuels and other conservation directives.


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