The Most Amazing Scientific Advancements in Medical Testing

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Most Amazing Scientific Advancements in Medical Testing


Medical testing technology has developed a lot in the last few years. New scientific discoveries, technology, and knowledge available are helping medical professionals keep us healthy and living longer. Here are a few examples.

The field of medical testing has exploded in the last few years with new scientific discoveries, technology, and knowledge available. It is hard for the average person to imagine how so many advances have been developed so quickly, but we know how important these advancements are in our health and in the lives of medical professionals who use them daily. Below are some of the most amazing advancements and what they mean for medical testing in the future.

Autoclaves and DNA Sequencers

Improved autoclaves and DNA sequencers allow for fetal DNA testing. Recent non-invasive autosomal testing methods lessen common dangers and reduce the risk of miscarriage, which was of great concern in earlier testing methods.

DNA testing now has the potential to eliminate several genetic diseases through Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats or CRISPR therapy which searches for unwanted or defective genes. These can then be cut and discarded, repaired, or even replaced. Cell-free fetal DNA testing for missing or extra chromosomes can prevent serious birth defects such as Down Syndrome as well. This new development has made pregnancy and birth a much safer experience for women and can help in long-term family planning.

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Molecular Microscopes and Super Scanners

Although tests for rare diseases have been somewhat neglected of late, some researchers have continued to work in these areas. Molecular microscopes have led to blood and urine tests being developed for, among others, metachromatic leukodystrophy. This disease affects growth and development of myelin, which is the covering that insulates nerves.

Recently researchers at Johns Hopkins have engineered lab tests for a rare genetic blood cell disorder called HELLP, named for hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count. This is a life-threatening complication of pregnancy which can result in high blood pressure and end organ damage.

At University of Virginia, studies have led to the development of a blood test for ischemic stroke. This condition results from blocked blood flow to the brain. Position emission tomography or PET scanning has been used for years in diagnosing numerous diseases as well. Medical professionals require a bachelor of radiation science technology to operate this machine, but now PET is being used to diagnose the presence of brain plaque associated with Alzheimer's disease. This is great news for many people who weren’t sure how to get a clear diagnosis before.

Nano Enclosures

Perhaps the most exciting medical testing today is being developed in the field of nanotechnology. Diagnostic tests based on the use of Nano enclosures allow for much earlier discovery of disease processes than previous methods.

In brain cancer research, scientists are using magnetic nanoparticles and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging to make very early diagnosis of the disease. Nanoparticles release biomarkers which alert the tester to the presence of cancer cells.

Modern scanners, high-level computers, and astonishingly powerful camera-microscopes will allow even faster and better medical testing. Prevention and cure may be available in years, not decades, for formerly untreatable diseases.

By Brooke ChaplanEmbed

Author Bio - 33rd Square contributor Brooke Chaplan is recent graduate of New Mexico University where she studied journalism. She loves to hike, bike, run and explore around her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She also enjoys blogging about health, fitness, fashion and many other topics.


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