The Deadly HPV and Cervical Cancer Connection

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Deadly HPV and Cervical Cancer Connection


Human papillomavirus, or HPV is a group of more than 150 related viruses. Each HPV virus in this large group is given a number which is called its HPV type. HPV is named for the warts (papillomas) some HPV types can cause. Some other HPV types can lead to cancer, especially cervical cancer.

One of the most common infections when it comes to Sexually transmitted diseases is HPV or Human Papilloma Virus. It has been proven that a huge percentage of young adults have contracted a strain of HPV through sexual contact. HPV is transmitted through skin contact. It shows up in forms of rings that create a cauliflower shape like formation on the pubic area. Some will experience bumps on the same area. One of the most worrying factors about HPV is that it provides a ripe ground for cervical cancer. Most of the patients that have ended up with cervical cancer have more often than not contracted HPV at some point in their lives. This doesn’t mean however that all HPV infections will lead to cancer.

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The virus provides a higher risk in this situation. There are more than one hundred types of HPV with more than a dozen strains in the mix. It is proven that more than two-thirds of all cervical cancer cases were initiated by HPV 16 and 18 strains. HPV affects cervical cells causing them to mutate and multiply. It is, however, impossible to test for HPV through a pap smear. This will only detect the presence of cancer. Screening for abnormal cells will, however, give a clear indication of the presence of HPV.

HPV does not entirely in itself cause cancer. HIV will easily do the same thanks to the lowered CD4+ count. A lower immunity will expose the body to diseases that would easily be averted. The human immune system is the first frontier when it comes to dealing with cancer. It is good to note that most cancers are dealt with by the body’s immune system. Cancers are mostly opportunistic diseases. They will develop fast and easy as long as there is a helping agent.

Smoking also increases the risk of cervical cancer through HPV. One of the most disturbing findings is that tobacco by-products can be found along the cervical mucus lining of smokers. This causes damage to the cells lining the cervix exposing it to cancerous growths. The tobacco by products are designed for maximum absorption in the blood. They travel through the bloodstream to settle on these areas increasing the risk of cervical cancer.

You can now safeguard your children from cervical cancer and HPV thanks to the HPV vaccine. Gardasil, also known as Silgard was developed for teens for the purpose of preventing HPV through sexual contact. The vaccine also prevents cervical cancer through keeping all forms of HPV at bay. It also decreases the chances of penile and oral cancer in sexually active teens.

PCR kits are used to detect high-risk HPV strains that would lead to cervical cancer. There are a number of kits all specialized in detecting different types of high-risk HPV. Protecting yourself from HPV not only safeguards you from STDs but keeps cancer away. It is important that you have all the necessary tests. It is even more important that you protect yourself by avoiding multiple sexual partners and using protection when engaging in intercourse. This may not help much with HPV but is still better than nothing. It will help keeping clean knowing the high risks involved.


By Maggie MartinEmbed

Author Bio: Maggie Martin is completing her PhD in Cell Biology, works as a lab tech for and contributes content on Bio-tech, Life Sciences, and Viral Outbreaks. Follow on Twitter @MaggieBiosource


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