Kevin Kelly Says 12 Technological Forces Will Shape Our Future

Saturday, April 23, 2016


From one of our leading technology thinkers and writers Kevin Kelly, comes, a guide through the twelve technological imperatives that will shape the next thirty years and transform our lives.

According to Kevin Kelly, much of what will happen in the next thirty years is inevitable, driven by technological trends that are already in motion. In his fascinating, provocative new book, The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Futurehe provides an optimistic road map for the future, showing how the coming changes in our lives—from virtual reality in the home to an on-demand economy to artificial intelligence embedded in everything we manufacture—can be understood as the result of a few long-term, accelerating forces.

"I’ve been told it is my most readable work yet."
In a few years we’ll have artificial intelligence that can accomplish professional human tasks. There is nothing we can do to stop this, says Kelly. In addition our lives will be totally 100% tracked by ourselves and others. This too is inevitable. Indeed much of what will happen in the next 30 years is inevitable, driven by technological trends which are already in motion, and are impossible to halt without halting civilization. Some of what is coming may seem scary, like ubiquitous tracking, or robots replacing humans. Others innovations seem more desirable, such as an on-demand economy, and virtual reality in the home. And some that is coming like network crime and anonymous hacking will be society’s new scourges. Yet both the desirable good and the undesirable bad of these emerging technologies all obey the same formation principles.

In The Inevitable, a book Marc Andreessen calls, "an automatic must-read," Kelly both describes these deep trends—flowing, screening, accessing, sharing, filtering, remixing, tracking, and questioning—and demonstrates how they overlap and are codependent on one another. These larger forces will completely revolutionize the way we buy, work, learn, and communicate with each other. By understanding and embracing them, says Kelly, it will be easier for us to remain on top of the coming wave of changes and to arrange our day-to-day relationships with technology in ways that bring forth maximum benefits.

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Kelly says the book, "is about the deep trends in the next 20 years that will shape your life. I suggest we embrace these changes, including ubiquitous tracking, accessible artificial intelligence, constant sharing, getting paid to watch ads, VR in your home, etc. I am very excited by the book; I’ve been told it is my most readable work yet."

Kelly's background helping launch Wired magazine and as its executive editor for its first seven years puts him in a unique position as futurologist. He has written for The New York Times, The Economist, Science, Time, and The Wall Street Journal among many other publications. His previous books include Out of Control, New Rules for the New Economy, Cool Tools, and What Technology Wants. Currently he is Senior Maverick at Wired.

Kelly’s bright, hopeful book will be indispensable to anyone who seeks guidance on where their business, industry, or life is heading—what to invent, where to work, in what to invest, how to better reach customers, and what to begin to put into place—as this new world emerges.

The Inevitable is now available for pre-order.

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