What Are Some Of The Most Important Tech Inventions That Benefit Society?

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What Are Some Of The Most Important Tech Inventions That Benefit Society?


Technology continues to improve and expand.  Here are just a few examples of some of the key technological innovations that we enjoy today.

It is the nature of a human being to strive for better living conditions, and man has continually worked tirelessly for the cause of having a better life. Humans have made inventions that benefit society in many ways, and listed here are some technological inventions that have changed our way of life.


Global positioning system (GPS) first came into existence in 1978. The technology uses 32 satellites that help in its operations. GPS can point out your location with accuracy. GPS can be embedded everywhere not only in mobile phones, but also in cars and other wide range of devices. Many different organizations, groups and people have use for GPS, including the military, backpackers, the everyday traveler and many more.

Digital Cameras

In the mid-1970s, Steven Sasson built the first digital camera, and since then the technology has revolutionized. Invention breakthroughs would not have been possible without digital cameras, as the science would have no means of going into in-depth of various structures beyond the human eye. In the digital age, digital camera share photo in multiple platforms in real time and this has changed the way of life significantly.

Internet Adoption Rate


According to internet world statistics, more than 3 billion people of the global population are using the internet today. It was developed in the 1960s. World Wide Web has influenced our life such that some people cannot live without it, or would not know life without the internet. The impact ranges from online shopping, searching instantly, and instant communication just to mention few.

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Computer invention is one of the most remarkable inventions in the history of humankind. They have affected human lives in numerous ways ranging from landing on the moon to daily transactions. In a modern world, computers are used almost in all life phases, and there is hardly any field, which has not benefited from computers. Today at the click of computer button a rocket is launched, instant communication is enabled, and ICU life support.

Lab Stirrer

For effective and efficient mixing required for crucial and diverse applications in modern laboratories, high-tech lab stirrer comes in hand. For critical experiments, lab process stirrer can provide not stop stirring of viscous liquids, where both directions stirring are possible. Arrow Engineering understands the importance of air stirrers in laboratories, and they offer quality products.

Smart pipes

According to a study conducted in 2005, The United States loses between $92 million and $12.5 million worth of clean drinking water due to leaking pipes. To make water use to be more efficient, smart pipe technology employs nanosensor to track water leakage in public water system, making water use of being more efficient. The tech invention that is yet to be fully implemented would help communities to detect and fix water leaks immediately.

Technology will continue to improve, and these are just a few examples of some of the most impactful intentions. Without tech growth, our lives, healthcare, living comfort and more would be much different than it is today.

By Anita GinsburgEmbed

Author Bio - Anita Ginsburg is a freelance writer from Denver, CO and often writes about business, finance, education and home. She graduated from Colorado State University in 2004. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family when she isn’t writing. 


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