Millennial Techies - Seven Reasons to Pursue a Career in IT

Monday, January 11, 2016

Millennial Techies The Top Ten Reasons to Pursue a Career in IT


If you have a passion for creating new and innovative programs and tools as well as playing with some math, then IT is the field for you.

Careers in the Information technology field are some of the highest-paying and fastest-growing in the job market today.  Below are several reasons why the IT career field should be your first choice if you are looking into starting a career or changing yours.


The IT career is one that looks into the future as it dictates future innovations and technology. Companies require IT personnel to oversee their upgrading to newer systems as technology keeps on upgrading. This presents you with a career life that is very stable.


The demand for qualified IT workforce is very high especially in the software development area. This sector is widely expected to continue increasing with percentages as high as twenty in the next five years. Other in-demand areas are research scientists, web developers, database administrators, information security professionals and programmers.

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An IT professional can basically work in any career field as long as that field uses computer systems and networking. One fits seamless into the various varieties of fields without necessarily obtaining additional knowledge about the field. This offers IT professionals with a huge field of opportunities.

It is Lucrative

Salaries in this field often hit the six figure bracket based on experience and industry. Employers have no option but to offer huge salaries in order to keep and maintain their highly qualified and efficient workers. They also subsidize these hefty salaries with retirement benefits, health insurance and also stock options making it lucrative.


This career choice offers one with various focuses to pursue. It is a field that is wide open and one that allows one to choose the career path that fits their skills and interest when they enroll in colleges like the Interactive College of Technology. If computer based applications are not your stuff then you could become a business analyst or a project manager.


IT forms one of the careers that allow lots of freedom to its professionals. These professionals can opt to work from remote locations not necessarily in the office. It is also a field that supports entrepreneurship as one can opt to be their own boss.

Work with Cutting-Edge Technology

IT professionals have the privilege of working on the latest and cool technology first before the other people. Further, these professionals get an opportunity to use their analytical skills often due to the challenges presented to them. They solve problems on a daily basis which makes them great problem-solvers even in life.

By Lizzie WeakleyEmbed


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