Are We Close to Being Able to Control Gravity?

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Are We Close to Being Able to Control Gravity?


A research paper has proposed, with supporting mathematical proof, a device with which to create detectable gravitational fields. Put into working practice the theory would mean scientists could manipulate gravity the same way they do magnetic fields today, which could produce whole new scientific breakthroughs.

Today, researchers study gravitational fields passively. They observe and try to understand existing gravitational fields produced by large inertial masses, such as stars or the Earth, without being able to change them as they can do with magnetic fields, for example.

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This frustration that led André Füzfa, from Namur University in Belgium to attempt a revolutionary approach: creating gravitational fields at will from well-controlled magnetic fields and observing how these magnetic fields could bend space-time.

In his article, Füzfa has proposed, with supporting mathematical proof, a device with which to create detectable gravitational fields. This device is based on superconducting electromagnets and therefore relies on technologies routinely used, for example, at CERN or the ITER reactor.

Although this experiment would require major resources, if conducted, it could be used to test Einstein’s theory of general relativity. If successful, it would certainly be a major step forward in physics: the ability to produce, detect and, ultimately, control gravitational fields. People could then produce gravitational interaction in the same way as the other three fundamental interactions (e.g. electromagnetic and strong and weak nuclear forces).

Füzfa concludes in his paper: "The generation of artificial gravitational fields withelectric currents could be in principle detected through the induced change in space-time geometry that results in a purely classical deflexion of light by magnetic fields. This effect does not invoke any new physics, as it is a consequence of the equivalence principle."

"It could lead to amazing applications like the controlled emission of gravitational waves with large alternative electric currents."
"Would this technology be developed, it could lead to amazing applications like the controlled emission of gravitational waves with large alternative electric currents," states Füzfa.  "Gravity would then cease to be the last of the four fundamental forces not under control by human beings."

This could usher gravitation into a new experimental and industrial era.

Until now, a scientific advance like this was a dream of science fiction, but it could open up many new applications tomorrow, for example in the field of telecommunications with gravitational waves: imagine calling the other side of the world without going through satellite or terrestrial relays.

SOURCE  Numur University

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