How Science Shaped the Evolution of the Bullet

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

How Science Shaped the Evolution of the Bullet


Bullets have evolved to become harder, more accurate, and far more deadly than ever.  Check out some of the science behind this transformation.

When you purchase a box of bullets from the store, do you ever stop to think of the shape of the bullet? How about how the shape of the bullet came to be? Over the course of several decades, bullets have evolved to become harder, more accurate, and far more deadly than they once were. It is even more astonishing when you consider the way that science helped shape the evolution of the bullet.

Forensics and the Bullet

Forensics is a term used to describe the scientific testing and analytical techniques used to solve a crime.
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Ballistics analysis plays a critical role in solving cases that involve a firearm. Thanks to ballistics analysis, a professional can analyze the marks on a bullet to determine the type of firearm that was used and even the angle in which the bullet was fired.

Forensics is just one are of science that has helped revolutionize the shape and size of the bullets you purchase today. Scientific studies can determine the accuracy and dependability of bullets used when released from a firearm. If testing shows that a bullet is inaccurate, they can be improved upon by changing up their casing and shape to improve their use.

Changes in Chemical Makeup

In the early days of makeshift firearms and flying projectiles, it was discovered that a mix of sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter—commonly known as potassium nitrate—could ignite a small, yet powerful enough explosion to launch a projectile in a certain direction. However, science helped projectiles evolve from meager arrows to lethal bullets by changing the chemical makeup of the firing process.

Although modern weapons may still rely upon some of the ancient chemical reactions used way back when to fire projectiles—known by scientists as deflagration—the process has changed in that bullets now fire far more accurately than ever before. Whereas the range and accuracy of projectiles was once lacking, firearms and bullets have improved to the point that a person can perform trick shots, such as shooting aspirin off a nail head.

Of course, the only way to truly appreciate the ways in which science has assisted with the shape and evolution of the bullet is to try them out yourself. So grab up your targets, a box of ammunition and your favorite firearm with the help of coupons for and head out to see just what a bullet is made of. Just make sure you practice safety above all else.

By Anica OaksEmbed

Author Bio - A recent college graduate from University of San Francisco, Anica loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she's used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here.


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