How Digital Security Has Changed in the Last 5 Years

Thursday, December 10, 2015

How Digital Security Has Changed in the Last 5 Years

Cyber Security

We are at an interesting point in history as almost every piece of information about us is now digitized. This transition has made many aspects of our lives easier, but it has also exposed us to criminal threats from around the world for those that are not careful.

The sophistication of cyber crime has exploded in recent years. This type of criminal activity was once dominated by low-level hackers, but it is now a multibillion dollar industry with nearly 13 million victims per year. Cyber security is more important than ever as we continue the process of digitizing our private information.

The Threat Is Growing

It was once seen as a relatively harmless prank, but hacking is now a global business that steals millions of dollars every single day. Cyber criminals can now produce exceptionally complex programs that are designed to steal sensitive information or completely shut a system down. Most of these programs are used against corporations and state organizations, but millions of families are affected by cyber crime as well.

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Absolutely Everyone Needs Cyber Security

Even private parties that feel as if they are keeping most of their personal information off of the Internet might not realize just how much data is up for grabs. Everything from your financial accounts to your medical history is now under threat of being stolen by a dedicated criminal or criminal organization. Cyber security is one issue that everyone has to consider no matter how far off the grid they might be.

Encryption Is the New Norm

Many governments are protesting this change, but practically everything is encrypted these days. Memory cards purchased from local stores are often protected by military-grade encryption programs. More and more websites are also making the transition over to advanced SSL connections that provide an additional layer of security for the visitor and the website. While it is never a bad idea to have as many layers of security as possible, no one should think of encryption as anything more than a deterrent to a dedicated criminal.

All Devices Are Now Being Protected

The thought of hacking a cell phone even just a decade ago would seem unusual, but that has all changed as we spend more time on our phones and use these mobile devices to connect to the Internet more than ever. You may want to consider using Discountrue coupons to purchase anti-virus programs such as McAfee All Access that can protect items ranging from tablets and smartphones to laptops and home computers.

By Anica OaksEmbed

Author Bio - Anica is a professional content and copywriter who graduated from the University of San Francisco. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she's used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here


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