Garret John LoPorto on Life, the Universe & Everything

Monday, November 2, 2015


Where does the beauty and complexity of life come from? Darwin's "natural selection" explains survival of the fittest, but doesn't explain why life gravitates towards beauty or complexity. Watch this video from Upriser to see where life's majesty may really be coming from, and how this knowledge could change the world... 42?

Some people recognize that the ultimate answer to life, the universe and everything is quite simply and elegantly the number 42, (that is, according to the writings of Douglas Adams), and that our entire existence on this planet is a pan-galactic effort to discover the actual question to make sense of that answer. In those terms, then, the video below from UPRISER's Garret John LoPorto is designed to further reveal the mysterious hyper-dimensional reality of life and how it affects the universe and everything.

SOURCE  Upriser This video is part of UPRISER's From the Future video series.

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