How Technology Will Change the Way We Approach Addiction

Friday, October 23, 2015

How Technology Will Change the Way We Approach Addiction


A better understanding of addiction using medical technology is bringing about a better tomorrow for many suffering through the debilitating condition.

Addiction continues to negatively affect society from both legal and illegal standpoints. Every drug, from alcohol to heroin, is a potential addiction for some users. The traditional addiction treatment route involves drug intervention, personalized therapy, and the application of proven treatment techniques. Nowadays, scientists are looking to technology as means of supporting the traditional treatment route and assist recovering addicts on the path to sobriety.

On-the-Go Support

It seems like everyone has a smartphone or tablet in their hands for basic everyday uses, so scientists are experimenting with addiction apps or applications. After installing the app on their device, recovering addicts can access an entire team of professionals. They can read a streaming discussion between patients and professionals in real time, for example. With the press of an icon, patients can chat with professionals or even other recovering friends. When a drug craving seems to be taking over a patient's mind, they can immediately find support through their app regardless of their current location.

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One-on-One With Computers

Computer-based addiction recovery involves educational modules that patients access after work or school. They should read through each module to learn more about themselves and the addiction. Because it's just the computer and patient, the person feels more comfortable about reading any topic regarding their circumstances. In fact, they can even read over the same module again and again to really solidify the information. When that next craving occurs, they can immediately reference a technology module and refrain from using drugs again. Current studies suggest that many patients are remaining sober with this technology addition to their treatment.

Remote Conditioning of the Mind

The human mind works on a primitive level at times by demanding a reward, such as a favorite drug of choice. However, this reward system can also be used for recovering purposes. Patients log on to an Internet-based treatment center and perform specific activities. These activities are usually education regarding sobriety, but they also incorporate relaxing diversions with immediate rewards. Some programs even offer monetary rewards of around $1. However, the real reward is distraction from cravings and a learning environment that only improves the patients' outlook on life.

Incorporating the Human Factor

Technology isn't meant to replace the human touch during addiction treatment. Professionals must still evaluate patients on a consistent basis, but the addicts feel like they have more support between appointments. They can even chat online with the professionals if necessary. As a result, the added support only boosts the patient's confidence in themselves as they take one day at a time. Professionals also use these in-person appointments to verify and alter technology applications. If one module doesn't seem to be working as effectively as once thought, it can be altered or removed entirely, to immediately improve a patient's treatment.

Tech-Enabled Interventions

Many have found that staging an intervention is one of the most important steps toward encouraging someone to seek treatment for substance addiction. What is an intervention? An intervention takes place as the result of a person's frustration and worry over a loved one's substance addiction or mental illness. In the past, typically only those in the same physical location as the addict could tell when an intervention was necessary. Now, however, the internet has enabled us to stay in contact with loved ones, no matter how far away they are. Friends and family are now more informed as to their loved ones’ activities and can tell when help is needed, even from across the globe.

Any addiction treatment must start with the admission that there is a problem in the first place. With a better understanding of addiction throughout the medical world, more people than ever are able to find the help that they require. Technology and old-fashioned professional counseling are smart pathways to a better tomorrow with no drugs clouding the way.

By Emma SturgisEmbed

Author Bio - Emma is a freelance writer currently living in Boston, MA. She writes most often on education and technology. When not writing, she enjoys watching old movies and indoor rock climbing.


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