Smart House: Why you Should Upgrade your Home with Automated Technology

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Smart House: Why you Should Upgrade your Home with Automated Technology

Home Automation

A new home automation system could be exactly what you need to improve the livability, safety, and efficiency of your house. Here is a closer look at just a few of the benefits of upgrading your home with automated technology.


Home automation devices have finally made the transition from science fiction to reality. A new home automation system could be exactly what you need to improve the livability, safety, and efficiency of your house. Here is a closer look at just a few of the benefits of upgrading your home with automated technology.

Cut Down on Energy Bills

For many homeowners, the single biggest benefit of home automation is cutting down on their utility bills. Within the average home, heating and cooling the interior will take up around half of all the energy that is being consumed. Automated thermostats can be controlled down to the second and will ensure that energy is not wasted on keeping an empty house at a comfortable temperature.

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Make Appliances and Electronics Safer

Depending on exactly what is installed, homeowners could be able to take full control of practically any appliance or electronic device in the house. Not only will this make the home more efficient, but it will also give you peace of mind that potentially dangerous situations have been avoided. A single tap of your smartphone will allow you to turn off curling irons and stoves before they cause damage.

Never Get Locked Out Again

Getting locked out of a house is a time-consuming mistake, but this is one situation you will never have to deal with again once your home is automated. Automation systems can be connected to doors and windows throughout the house will allow you to lock and unlock them remotely.

Lower the Risk of a Burglary

Your family's safety should be your number one priority, and wireless security upgrades are a step in the right direction. Home automation systems generally include a series of security devices that are designed to thwart criminals. Modern security cameras can capture footage in the dark, track movement, and even save videos on a remote server.

Protect Your Belongings

Creating a smart home will not only allow you to stay connected with devices throughout your house, but it will also give technicians access to these devices when they no longer work properly. Companies such as iTOK will be able to remotely access computers, smartphones, tablets, and countless other devices and fix them within moments.

It was not many years ago that home automation seemed like nothing more than a fantasy. With some of these amazing new gadgets, however, homeowners may be surprised at just how easy it is to transform their house into a smart home.

By Lizzie WeakleyEmbed


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