Mastering the Language of the Smartest Machines: Career in Computer Science

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mastering the Language of the Smartest Machines: Career in Computer Science


From designing hardware to developing software, computers have opened up a whole world of professions and careers. Computer science has emerged as one of the most popular and profitable areas of study.

Computers are machines on which the whole world is running, literally. From business and education to governance and society, there is no sector of life which does not harness the power of these smart machines.

From designing their hardware to developing the required software, computers have opened up a whole world of professions and careers. Computer science has emerged as one of the most preferred courses by students who are interested in computers and their functionality.

A career in computer science basically involves many things such as programming, developing computing solutions and devising new ways of computer usage. In general however, a career in computer science can be divided into 4 major categories, designing and implementing software, devising new ways to use computers, planning and managing the technology infrastructure and developing new ways to solve computing problems.

Computer science is considered as one of the most challenging and interesting careers in the STEM careers.

Like the different aspects of computers and their functionality, the courses related to computer sciences are also varied in nature. Although the courses may differ in their approaches and studies, they usually deal with the theoretical foundations of information and computers. The study of computer science also involves a systematic study of methodical processes: algorithms.

With the extensive use of computers and the dependence on them increasing every day, the following data won’t come as a surprise. According to a report published by the Georgetown University, computer occupations will dominate the STEM field in the US by 2018 with 51% of jobs relating to the field. The report has predicted 183,760 jobs in computer occupations till the end of 2018.

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With a degree in computer sciences, one can take up jobs like database manager, games developer, information systems manager, systems analyst and developer. Computer professionals enjoy a high salary even at the start of their careers. According to, they earn more than $43,000 every year during the beginning of their careers

The reason for this is explained by Igor Markov, EECS professor at Michigan. He says that the impact of computer science-style work is easier to measure than other fields so that best performers can be encouraged. Another reason is the massive change that computers are bringing in business and industries. Professor Markov says,

“Just look at how the Kindle streamlined book distribution and sales, how Walmart opened Walmart Labs recently and is hiring data scientists, and how all TVs became digital (and software based). Both aerospace and car manufacturers hire a large number of software developers.”

A career in computer science is the best choice for those who are interested in computers and want to work on the cutting edge of technology. Computer science is considered as one of the most challenging and interesting careers in the STEM careers (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

By Melody CleoEmbed


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