3 Cool Examples of Art Merged With Science

Monday, September 14, 2015

3 Cool Examples of Art Merged With Science


The history books are filled with an incalculable number of pages dedicated to the various movements in art that have emerged as a result of societal and cultural change. Now, in today’s informational age, a new wave of technologically-inspired works are gaining a lot of momentum.

What’s interesting about the art-meets-science mentality is that it transcends genre. It allows creative types of all kinds to experiment with scientific procedures and give form to some of the most unique and engaging ideas of the 21st century.

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The aim of the experiential artist is to reexamine the world and draw attention to the everyday occurrences that frame the beauty of nature and the urban environment. And though there a hundreds of deserving artists, there are three that embody this pursuit.

1. Tesla-Inspired Lightning Forms

Marc Simon Frei, a self-declared “child of science” turned photographer and lighting designer, stands on the shoulders of Nikola Tesla, who solidified his legacy with the coil he invented in 1891.

Frei’s enigmatic images capture the movement of electricity and kinetic energy as they dance about in hypnotic rhythm. This inherent quality shines through to the forefront and breathes life into the elaborate compositions, bringing the results well within the sphere of art.

Tesla Art

In its simplest form, Frei’s work is a blend of engineering with a strong eye for detail. However, he pushes the boundaries by using miniature woolen clouds and stagecraft, which allow him to set the scene for some truly remarkable shots.

Some of the clouds appear to be producing tiny forks of lightning that travel a short distance to nearby conductors while others are lit by LED lights in a fantastical display of color.

2. Fishnet Sculptures and Cyber Designs

Janet Echelman, an acclaimed international sculptor, is well known for creating monumental moving structures that respond to the elements and reshape familiar urban airspace, transforming the landscape.

By combining art with science, Echelman’s most recent work, “As If It Were Already Here” is a perfect example of what her works of art entail. It is currently hanging over Boston’s Rose Kennedy Greenway, where it will remain until late October.

When night falls, the sculptures are set ablaze by a flash of color coming from LED lights and load cells that have been hooked up to individual sensors. The effect is a visual spectacle that mirrors the captivating atmosphere of the world’s most illustrious cities.

3. Three-Dimensional Fabergé Fractals

UK based Tom Beddard, also known as SubBlue, is an artist who makes use of computer modeling software to produce an array of ornate 3D forms that are somewhere in between Russian jeweled eggs and digital geometry.

Beddard’s approach is formulaic and involves a series of iterations that give way to one another, folding the structure in and on itself. The parametric modeling process continues until the design reaches its desired state and can be rendered out.

Tom Beddard SubBlue

Unfortunately for many galleries, these fascinating objects must remain intangible until 3D printers advance enough to handle this level of intricacy in a time-efficient manner. At least for now, there’s a rising interest in this kind of art and the architectural applications it represents.

If the arts and sciences were ever at odds in the past, it seems their relationship is on the mend as more and more creatives on both sides of the fence come to meet in the middle.

Top Image by Irwin Scott via Flickr

By Kayla MatthewsEmbed

Author Bio - Kayla Matthews is a technology journalist and blogger, as well as editor of ProductivityBytes.com. Follow Kayla on Facebook and Twitter to read all of her latest posts.


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