How To Drive Around The Moon

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How To Drive Around The Moon


Want to fly a spacecraft around the Moon? Take this video for a spin to see how NASA operates the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Although the objectives of NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) are explorative in nature, the payload includes instruments with considerable heritage from previous planetary science missions, enabling transition, after one year, to a science phase under NASA's Science Mission Directorate.

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Nearly every day, the LRO's instruments return data, such as day-night temperature maps, a global geodetic grid, high resolution color imaging and the moon's UV albedo. However there is particular emphasis on the polar regions of the moon where continuous access to solar illumination may be possible and the prospect of water in the permanently shadowed regions at the poles may exist.

With a comprehensive data set focused on supporting the extension of human presence in the solar system, LRO helps identify sites close to potential resources with high scientific value, favorable terrain and the environment necessary for safe future robotic and human lunar missions.

The data gathered by the satellite will help the world develop a deeper understanding of the lunar environment, paving the way for a safe human return to the Moon and for future human exploration of our solar system.


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