Giant Artificial City Being Constructed To Test Future Technology

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Giant Artificial City Being Constructed To Test Future Technology

A planned city-sized laboratory will integrate real-world urban and suburban environments along with all the typical working infrastructure elements that make up today’s cities. The idea is to provide a unique opportunity to test and evaluate technologies in conditions that most closely simulate real-world applications.

Self driving cars, drones, robots, smart grid technology, and new wireless communication technology—what will all of these developments mean for us?  A technology development firm has a big plan in place to test out these technologies and more.

Pegasus Global Holdings, a global IP development firm that develops technologies in order to meet requirements from our commercial and military customers, is financing an entire test city in the New Mexico desert.

The Center for Innovation, Testing & Evaluation (CITE) claims to have the support of New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez.

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The city will come complete with schools, churches, sports complexes and a suburb around it.

CITE is an above ground, unpopulated, fully operating, and real-world lab environment representative of a mid-sized American city. It will provide a legacy environment where new technologies can be tested at scale, allowing researchers and manufacturers to manage the unpredictability of product performance before being introduced into the market, and to the population at large.

The hallmark of CITE is the City Lab, a full-scale, fully functional test city. City Lab will be a representative example of a modern day, mid-sized American city. It will occupy approximately 400 acres and include urban, suburban and rural zones as well as the corresponding infrastructure. City Lab will be pre-wired for data collection giving researchers the ability to simulate system-wide scenarios and then draw data from such activities.

The planned initial core user application areas envisioned to be tested and evaluated within CITE include, but are not limited to:
  • - Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
  • - Green Energy: Alternative Energy Power Generation (e.g. Geothermal, Solar)
  • - Smart Grid Technologies
  • - Telecommunications
  • - Resource Development (e.g. Desalinization)
  • - Security

City Lab probably isn't exactly Transhumania — the construction hasn't even started yet. Long before the facility starts testing self-driving vehicles, next generation cell phone signal towers, and whatever else the research and development sector wants to take for a realistic but low-stakes joy ride, CITE has already occasioned its first experiment, a public art project.

SOURCE  The Run Down Live

By 33rd SquareEmbed


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