Take a Tour of D-Wave's Quantum Computer Facility

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

 Quantum Computers
In a new video released by D-Wave, the makers of the first commercial quantum computer, provide a tour of their facilities and a detailed explanation of their system.

Seeing the D-Wave facilities first-hand is a very interesting experience and can now be accessed by a video provided by the company. D-Wave is the world's first commercial quantum computing company, and has sold systems to Google and NASA.

In the video Jeremy Hilton, the company’s VP of Processor Development is the guide for the tour, and helps provide a detailed explanation of the quantum computer system developed by D-Wave. He shows what the cooling system involves, the electromagnetic shielding and how the electronics system programs the quantum processor.

D-Wave Quantum Computer

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D-Wave's machines look a lot like computer mainframes did back in the 1960s. There are many mechanical systems, including pumps that control the cooling system of the machine. "This is obviously highly unusual for a data rack," comments Hilton.

The machine's systems also include the quantum server, that allows users from all over the world to interact with the machine.  In the video below, a diagram of how the data is transferred to the quantum processor for calculation.

The quantum processor is surrounded by radiation shields, magnetic shields, a vacuum and is contained in a refrigerated environment.

Take a Tour of D-Wave's Quantum Computer Faciltiy

The video above is the first of a three-part tour series that D-Wave intends to release.


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