5 Things You Didn’t Know There Was an App For

Thursday, May 21, 2015

5 Things You Didn’t Know There Was an App For

Finding an app for your mobile device is still a surprising activity sometimes as this list of not-so mainstream apps demonstrates.  From fishing to starting your car, there are many things you didn't know your smartphone is capable of.

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It’s been more than six years since Apple launched the iPhone 3G along with the now unforgettable advert - ‘There’s An App for That.’ Now, finding an app for something is almost second nature for most people and pretty much anything you can think of can be served with an mobile app, regardless if it’s on iOS or Android. But what about the lesser known apps that most people can’t even imagine?

Here is a list of the top five things you simply didn’t know there was an app for.

Find a Leaky Window

This one is an app that you may be indifferent to if you live in a place with a warmer climate, but will instantly fall in love with if you live in some of the more frosty parts of the world.

You already know how important it is to have windows tightly sealed before the winter. Not only does it make the home more comfortable, but can also help you save on electricity bills. But finding the leaky ones has always been a difficult task. Well, not anymore.

FLIR ONE is an app available for the iPhone that lets you turn your device into a thermal imaging camera. The device fits onto the phone and makes thermal data appear as colors on the screen. This will help you spot leaky windows from which cool air tends to seep in, as well as locations where the pipes may need to be insulated, or find overloaded circuits.

If you have an iPhone 5 or 5s then this is the perfect app for you. You can purchase it from their website at $349.00

There Was an App For That

Measure Your Muscles

If you know a thing or two about health, you probably know that work in the gym won’t exactly show up on the bathroom scale. Since muscle weighs more than fat, the pounds you have gained could actually be a very good thing, but you just don’t have a way to measure this accurately.


The developers at Skulpt Aim are looking to change that. The app lets you measure the muscles on your body accurately with a device that can measure the muscle fibers and tell them apart from the fat cells in your body. Individual muscle groups are measured using electrodes and the end result is that you fully appreciate the development of your muscles after weeks of sweat at the gym. The app even tells you which exercises are best according to the data it collects about your body type.

Available for order on the main website, the app will help you get a better picture of what your body is made of and how you can tackle fat while building more muscle. It’s priced at $169.99 and comes with free shipping.

Catch Fish

If you are on a family holiday leaving your smartphone at home may seem like a good idea. Well, you might want to take it along if you’re going fishing. Introducing the Deeper Fish Finder. This app is the reason why technology has proven it can be everywhere in our lives, and leaving the smartphone when you leave home is utterly impossible in 2015.

The app comes along with a small spherical device that uses sonar to locate fish in the river. You can spot fish with the device up to 120 feet deep under the surface of the water. You attach it to the fishing line and drop it into the water. The minute it touches the surface it turns itself on automatically and starts pulsing with sonar. Sonar, as you may know helps bats see and submarines navigate. Now it can also help you find fish.

The app is for both Android and iOS and works best with a waterproof phone like the Sony Xperia Z2 or Samsung Galaxy S5. You can buy it on Amazon for about $243.43.

Start Your Car

Viper Smart StartYes, you read that right. You can now start up your car with your smartphone. Viper Smart Start lets you control your car while swiping the screen in front of you. It’s a simple device really and you just need a few minutes to install it in your car.

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Once that’s done, you can sit back and relax with a cup of warm coffee in the morning as the engine in your car heats up. The app is available for Blackberry as well as iOS and Android.

Watch TV over the air.

You can already use your smartphone for online streaming services like Hulu and Netflix. You may even have a VPN to protect your connection and access these, if you are in a foreign country without access to these amazing sites. But did you know you can now also watch over-the-air television from your smartphone or tablet?

The app is called Belkin Dyle and the device is manufactured by the world leader in smart gadgets. It is basically a tiny antenna that attaches itself to your device. Connecting up to the charger port, the device lets you tune into the local channels’ broadcast for free over the air. You may need to be in a major metropolitan area to pick up signals, but if you are it’s a great way to watch a sports match live while you travel home from work. Try it out for a mere $29.99 on Amazon.

By Cassandra PhillipsEmbed

Cassie is a technology enthusiast and blogger who writes for www.securethoughts.com. She enjoys writing about technology and her main area of interest is internet security.


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