The Push is On to Make Hyperloop Real

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Push is On to Make Hyperloop Real
Another company has emerged from stealth with the goal of making Elon Musk's Hyperloop a reality.  Hyperloop Technologies is headed up by an all-star team of entrepreneurs, engineers and investors, and is looking to Hyperloop to revolutionize the future of cargo transportation.

Since Elon Musk teased the concept of the Hyperloop, there has been a lot of interest in the project.  When he opened sourced the concept to everyone, realizing that Tesla, SpaceX, and his other ventures would not permit him to develop the idea on his own, with a detailed 58-page white paper, Silicon Valley investors took notice too.

Now, in a feature article in Forbes, Hyperloop Technologies, an all-star group of entrepreneurs and investors, claims they can get the technology up and running in five years.

Forbes Hyperloop Technologies

"We have the team, the tools and the technology. We can do this."

Starting with an $8.5 million pool of money and plans for an additional $80 million funding round later this year, the team of Shervin Pishevar, a major investor in Uber, Joe Lonsdale, co-founder of Palantir, Joe Messina, former White House deputy chief of staff, David Sacks, founder of Yammer, Peter Diamandis, founder of the X-prize, and Brogan BamBrogan, one of SpaceX’s key engineers, is poised to create the Hyperloop.

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BamBrogan is the interim CEO, CTO, Co-Founder of the start-up, which is recruiting mainly from SpaceX, the defense and energy sectors. “We have the team, the tools and the technology,” BamBrogan told Forbes. “We can do this.”

Hyperloop Technologies initial mission exceeds Musk’s original vision for the technology, first focusing on freight rather than human transportation. This high-speed “cargoloop” could go over land or under water. Container-loads of products could arrive overnight on such a system.

The company is not the only one trying to realize the Hyperloop, the similarly named, Hyperloop Transporation Technologies (HTT) was formed soon after Musk's announcement. Also despite claiming to not be involved in the development anymore, Musk announced plans to build a test Hyperloop track last month.

If built, the Hyperloop, would be as fast as a plane, cheaper than a train and continuously available in any weather while emitting no carbon from the tailpipe. It would theoretically allow people to get from Los Angeles to Las Vegas in 20 minutes, or New York to Philadelphia in 10. Our very notion of cities might evolve with the technology, becoming metro stops.

Some have even suggested Hyperloop would cause borders to evaporate, along with housing price imbalances and overcrowding. If this is grandiose futurism, or reality remains to be seen.

Diamandis tells Forbes, "It’s time to stop doing photo apps and start doing something for the planet."

SOURCE  Forbes

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