Is Apple Working On Self Driving Cars Now Too?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Is Apple Working On Self Driving Cars Now Too?

 Self Driving Cars
Reports are coming in of minivans being spotted around the world. The Dodge Caravans are equipped with numerous sensors, including what is believed to be LiDAR. One of the vehicles has had its registry traced and it is leased to Apple.

An Apple Insider tipster has spotted minivans with what appears to be camera equipment and a LiDAR sensor mounted to their roofs around California and elsewhere in recent weeks that may be part of a new Apple self driving car project.

At least one of the vehicles is registered to the company.

"By 2020, we’ll be up to our armpits in these things. We’re on a very fast path to self-driving cars."

The California Department of Motor Vehicles confirmed to San Francisco CBS affiliate KPIX that a blue minivan spotted with the equipment was leased to Apple.

With the cameras, a pair of spinning cylindrical devices fitted to the front and rear of the vehicles are most likely LiDAR sensors. LiDAR is a laser-based technology used to make high-resolution maps, and also forms an integral part of the sensing systems on self driving vehicles, including those developed by Google.

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While analyst Rob Enderle told KPIX that he believes the vehicles are in fact self driving cars because it has "too many cameras." Google's latest-generation Street View cars use a ring of 15 5-megapixel CMOS sensors. Aside from the physical configuration, the equipment on the Apple-registered van appears to be broadly similar to the technology fitted to a Street View car.

As to why the vehicle doesn’t resemble other self driving prototype cars we’ve seen, Enderle said many different prototypes will be tested, including systems that can be retrofitted on existing vehicles.

“By 2020, we’ll be up to our armpits in these things. We’re on a very fast path to self driving cars,” he said.

When asked about what they are doing in Claycord, the person sitting in the vehicle would never give an answer. Also, an Apple spokesperson refused to comment on the speculation it might be developing a driverless car to KPIX.

Even if the vehicle is a self driving car prototype, Apple may be working through another company or skunk works to develop the technology.

SOURCE  Apple Insider Top Image - Claycord

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