Dentistry uses cutting-edge technology to create and maintain brighter smiles. Here are some of the newest technologies you will find in a modern dentist's office. |
Dentistry today can be said to consist of two melding mindsets: making dentistry as pleasant and less traumatic an experience as possible and making true technological advances in dentistry.
Forging a New Patient/Dentist Partnership
Oral physicians have seen the decline in patient visits during the last few years. Attributed primarily to a simple dread of going to the dentist's officeTechnological Advances
Advances in technology and further dental education for dentists have done much to enhance today's oral strategies for both the dentists and the patients. Competitive awards given as research grants to recipients for developing creative compounds, bio-materials and/or tool devices, go a long way to further both research and technological advances.Some of the advances in treatment, technology and quality patient-care are listed below: Filling small grooves in the teeth before they turn into actual cavities. Anesthesia reversal system--effectively decreases numbness following anesthesia application to patient.
Some of the advances in treatment, technology and quality patient-care are listed below:
- Filling small grooves in the teeth before they turn into actual cavities.
- Anesthesia reversal system--effectively decreases numbness following anesthesia application to patient.
- Advances in dental procedures from Paramount Dentistry permit same-day cosmetics, Invisalign and guided implants. Also, one day crown-servicing.
- According to the US Surgeon General's most recent report, there's been a concentrated effort in the designing and fabricating of bio-ceramic compounds to replace human enamel.
- Use of passive immunization techniques for dental caries, the induction of new bone and cartilage tissues and using an artificial synthesis of saliva for patients suffering from xerostomia or dry mouth.
Other Innovative Dentistry Treatments
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Laser Treatment of Decay and Gum Illness, using intense concentration with a laser beam, is gaining use in some of today's dental practices. Primarily used to vaporize tissue, it's painless and vibration-free. Approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), it not only aids in removing actual tooth decay but gum tissue as well.
Digital X-ray Imaging, applied to the x-ray picture-taking process, allows for larger images, reduces exposure to radiation and can be stored in a computer or printed out on paper making it more cost-effective for the dental office.
Intra-Oral Computer Camera Technology, using a tiny instrument tool revolving inside the mouth, easily takes pictures in real-time or stores them for later viewing on a computer's monitor.
The future in dentistry is now! With many of the above mentioned systems already coming online, more dental offices are realizing they must also modernize along with developing technologies. As they do, patients will hopefully gain more confidence in both new dental treatments, their dental physicians and their corresponding technologies as well.
By Meghan Belnap | Embed |
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