In the Lab: Famous Science Experiments Gone Wrong

Monday, December 1, 2014

In the Lab: Famous Science Experiments Gone Wrong

Despite its unquestionable benefits, sometimes pursuits in the name of science have tragic consequences. Here are some science experiments that had unintended consequences, and what we can learn from them.

There is no arguing that science has improved our lives immeasurably over the last centuries. The benefits of modern technology have made our lives easier, extended our lifespans, and given us wonderful new amenities each year. However with progress comes many problems, and sometimes, science experiments can have tragic consequences. Here is a look at some science experiments that had unintended consequences, and what they taught us in the long run.

The Chimp Baby

In the 1930s, a scientist named Winthrop Kellogg thought a chimp could be raised to become humanlike if he grew up with a human baby. He decided to test his theory out when his wife gave birth to his son David. He raised David alongside a newborn chimp name Gua. Unfortunately, while Gua did pick up some human behaviors, it was actually David who became more like a chimp. He emulated many of Gua’s actions, howling to communicate instead of trying to speak. This led Kellogg to abandon the experiment after just nine months.
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The Stanford Prison Experiment

This is one of the most infamous experiments in the annals of psychology. Stanford researchers intended to study the effects of power on random subjects. They recruited 24 students who were split into two groups of 12. One group was set up as guards, and the as prisoners. The experiment was set to last for two weeks, but was shut down after just six days. Unfortunately, the guards soon began to abuse their power, leading to both emotional and physical abuse of the prisoners. After just one day, the guards were already attacking prisoners with fire extinguishers. The psychological scarring the participants endured was probably not worth the $15 they were paid per day.

The Sad Story of David Reimer

David Reimer was supposed to be given a routine circumcision as a baby. Unfortunately, his entire penis was accidentally cut off. His parents were told by the doctors that the best solution would be to give David a sex change operation, raise him as a girl, and never let him know.

With the new name of Brenda Reimer, David led his life as part of a secret experiment conducted by psychologist John Money. Money wanted to prove that gender was a result of environment rather than genetics.

The results were predictably tragic. His parents fought, making his mother suicidal and his father an alcoholic. David’s parents finally told him the truth when he was 14, and he opted to get a reverse sex change operation. Although the operation was a success, the psychological damage was not so easy to repair. David committed suicide at the age of 38.

As you can see, scientific experiments can sometimes result in a sad conclusion. This is why it is so important that all scientists work under the supervision of their peers to prevent them from abusing others. Good oversight will help to prevent science experiment tragedies in the future.

SOURCE  Information Credit for this article provided by first aid suppliers in Kelowna, Nutech Safety Ltd.

By Brooke ChaplanEmbed

Author Bio - Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and recent graduate of New Mexico University where she studied journalism. She loves to hike, bike, run and explore around her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She also enjoys blogging about health, fitness, fashion and many other topics.


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