Stephen Wolfram Wants To Inject Computation Everywhere

Thursday, May 15, 2014

At this year's SXSW Conference, Stephen Wolfram introduced Wolfram Language.  Now, video of his presentation shows some of  the profound implications of this new technology.

Imagine a future where there's no distinction between code and data. Where computers are operated by programming languages that work like human language, where knowledge and data are built in, where everything can be computed symbolically like the X and Y of school algebra problems. Where everything obvious is automated; the not-so-obvious revealed and made ready to explore. A future where billions of interconnected devices and ubiquitous networks can be readily harnessed by injecting computation.

"Of the various things I've been trying to explain, this is one of the more difficult ones."

That's the future Stephen Wolfram has pursued for over 25 years: Mathematica, the computable knowledge of Wolfram|Alpha, the dynamic interactivity of Computable Document Format, and soon, the universally accessible and computable model of the world made possible by the Wolfram Language and Wolfram Engine.

Stephen Wolfram

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"Of the various things I've been trying to explain, this is one of the more difficult ones," Wolfram told Wired recently. What Wolfram Language essentially does, is work like a plug-in-play system for programmers, with many subsystems already in place.  Wolfram calls this knowledge-based programming.

Wolfram Language has a vast depth of built-in algorithms and knowledge, all automatically accessible through its elegant unified symbolic language. Scalable for programs from tiny to huge, with immediate deployment locally and in the cloud, the Wolfram Language builds on clear principles to create what Wolfram claims will be the world's most productive programming language.

In the video above recorded at SXSW this year as he introduced Wolfram Language, Wolfram discusses the profound implications of this new future on product development, industry, and research, and demonstrate new technology that will soon be part of our present.


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