New Imaging Technique May Improve Breast Cancer Screening

Thursday, May 15, 2014

New Imaging Technique May Improve Breast Cancer Screening

Phase contrast X-ray imaging has enabled researchers to perform mammographic imaging that allows greater precision in the assessment of breast cancer and its precursors. The technique could improve biopsy diagnostics and follow-up.

Researchers have succeeded in advancing an emerging imaging technique for breast investigations: the X-ray phase-contrast mammography. The new developments enable distinguishing between the different types of microcalcifications observed in breast tissue and help assigning them to malignant lesions. The study has just been published in Nature Communications.

One of the advantages of the phase contrast technique is its ability to provide images of high contrast. In the future, this technique can aid physicians to determine in a non-invasive way where pre-malignant and malignant breast lesions are most likely located.

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One goal of breast cancer screening is to detect groups of microcalcifications in the breast, because these may be associated with early stages of breast cancer. Microcalcifications often occur in connection with cancer cell death. Mammographic screening does not allow definite conclusions regarding the underlining conditions that cause these calcifications. Only tissue biopsies that are examined under the microscope by pathologists can determine which lesions have caused the calcareous deposits.

"My observation could be very interesting for breast cancer diagnosis, since it could distinguish between the different types of microcalcifications."

At the ETH Zurich, the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), the use of phase contrast for medical X-ray imaging has been investigated for several years. X-ray radiation as used in conventional mammography was long considered not suitable for phase contrast procedures because of its incoherence and mixture of multiple wavelengths.

“The fact that we have now managed to use these X-ray sources for the phase contrast method in order to develop a new and improved imaging method is a considerable step towards application in daily clinical practice,” says Marco Stampanoni, Professor at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering at ETH Zurich and Head of the X-ray Tomography Group at the PSI.

In X-ray phase contrast, the extent in which tissue absorbs X-rays is not the only quantity that is being measured but also how tissue deflects radiation laterally (refraction) and consequently how it influences the sequence of oscillation peaks and valleys of X-ray waves – the so-called phase.

scheme of a grating interferometer

Depending on the tissue type, the overall scattering also varies. To be able to measure the phase shift, researchers use three very fine grids. The first one is located directly at the source. It ensures that the object is illuminated with the required coherence. Another grid is placed behind the object and generates an interference signal that is analysed by a third grid downstream. Using suitable algorithms, the researchers calculate the absorption, phase and scattering properties of the object from the interference signal. This information can be used to generate sharp and high-contrast images that show very detailed soft tissue properties.

A discovery by Zhentian Wang, PostDoc in Prof. Stampanoni’s team, initiated this development: “During my trials with the phase contrast method, I noticed that there are microcalcifications with different absorption and scattering signals. That indicated that the new method might identify different types of calcifications,” he says. Wang subsequently reviewed through medical literature and found studies that showed that a certain type of calcification is more frequently associated with breast cancer precursors. “I was persuaded that my observation could be very interesting for breast cancer diagnosis, since it could distinguish between the different types of microcalcifications”, says the researcher.

To date, the researchers have worked with a prototype. They examined breast tissue samples, but no patients have been involved yet. “One of our next aims will be to develop a device for clinical use,” says Marco Stampanoni.


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