Jaw Dropping Future Technology For Your Home

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Jaw Dropping Future Technology For Your Home

Here's a rundown of some of the must-have devices and technologies that are about to change the future of our homes.

We live in an exciting time of advancements in how we do things on a day-to-day basis within our home. In the age of the busy micromanager, why not utilize some devices that will help you with your busy schedule? Don’t worry, it’s not all about work. Some of these devices also come equipped with ways to fill your time with fun and games. Explore, gain some insight and prepare yourself for what’s to come.

Google Glass  

Yes, the internet is all abuzz about Google Glass. The oddly shaped spectacles that few can afford and even less fully comprehend. Glass is in its early stages still, yet the folks who have been able to try them out have found these Android-powered devices able to GPS you directions, take photos and record video all with just your voice. Yet soon, developers have been gearing up to do more than just that. How about controlling the lights, TV and stereo using your voice? Soon you will even be able to control the security of your home on-the-go with an app built right into your Google Glass spectacles.

Soon you will even be able to control the security of your home on-the-go with an app built right into your Google Glass spectacles.

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Wireless Phone Charging  

No longer will we be bound by the cords our phones need to gather electricity to charge from the wall socket. Instead, Apple, Google, and LG have been working on creating nodes that would be placed within the home, workplace or anywhere in town that can “beam” a charge to your phone or electric car. Within the next few years we may never need to stop to charge our phones ever again.

Google Fiber  

Yes, Google once again. Innovators of modern and future technology, Google has begun beta programs this year for Google Fiber in a few select cities within the US. Soon, they plan on implementing this worldwide. What does this mean for you and your household? How about internet 100 times faster than standard broadband. With everyone in the house now using devices that tug at your wifi connection, Google Fiber’s plan is to make your home function seamlessly without lag spikes.

Google Fiber Rabbit

Eco Cleaner

Straight out of Star Trek comes a cleaning device using ultrasonic waves that ionize food particles on your dishes. The wow-factor of this awesome machine doesn’t stop there. How about turning those food remnants into compost that’s safe to use for your plants. Match this up with garden and you have a full cycle of food-to-dish and back technology that will help feed and clean.

With all of the new technologies coming soon to a home near you, it might be time for you to look more into what works well for you and your family. There are many different appliances, like those offered at Atlas Appliances, that provide different services and each year they are changing more and more. It’s only a matter of time before things like these become standard within our communities to help us keep things safe, moving and ultra-cool.

By Meghan BelnapEmbed


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