According to Ray Kurzweil Intelligence will Underlie Everything

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Ray Kurzweil Informatica 2014

 Ray Kurzweil
For his keynote talk at this year's Informatica World Conference, Ray Kurzweil explained how, by the early 21st century, intelligence will underlie everything of value. He spoke of a future in which accelerating technologies will forever blur the line between human and machine. 

During his keynote at this year's Informatica World Conference, Google's Director of Engineering, Ray Kurzweil explained how, by the early 21st century, intelligence will underlie everything of value. He spoke of a future in which accelerating technologies will forever blur the line between human and machine. He laid out a provocative thesis in which nanobots will travel through the blood stream and enter our brains non-invasively, enabling us to put our neocortexes on the cloud.

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“The onset of the 21st century will be an era in which the very nature of what it means to be human will be both enriched and challenged, as our species breaks the shackles of its genetic legacy, and achieves inconceivable heights of intelligence, material progress and longevity," said Kurzweil, author of How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed. “Information technology is exploding at an exponential pace. By 2020, we will have the means to program our biology away from disease and aging. Three-dimensional molecular computing will provide the hardware for human-level ‘strong’ artificial intelligence well before 2030."

"We will thereby become a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking. At the center of it all is intelligence."

"In the 2030s, nanobots will travel through the blood stream and enter the brain noninvasively through the capillaries. They will put our neocortex on the cloud where we will access non-biological extensions to our thinking. So just as today if I need to access thousands of computers for a few seconds, I can do that wirelessly in the cloud. In the 2030s, we’ll be able to access additional neocortex in the cloud directly from our brains," adds Kurzweil.

"We will thereby become a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking. At the center of it all is intelligence. It is critical to be able to deliver actionable information to the right person at the right time to achieve positive results. Now, more than ever, data truly has the ability to change people’s lives.”

The lecture is admittedly a rehashing of Kurzweil's usual themes, however the ideas are big and important enough to listen to again.

SOURCE  Informatica World

By 33rd SquareEmbed


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