A Roadmap to Immortality

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

 Life Extension
The Science for Life Extension Foundation has created a Human Physical Immortality Roadmap to persuade people that radical life extension is possible within our lifetime. According to the group, the only thing needed is larger scope of scientific research in favor of longevity.

Maria Konovalenko at the Science For Life Extension Foundation has recently posted images from the Foundaion's Roadmap to Immortality. The roadmap, available in full in Russian is in seven parts:

"Each individual step has the potential to become quite important in improving human condition, for example developing the biomarkers of aging and longevity."

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The first part of the Human Physical Immortality Roadmap, above, looks at the evolution of biotechnologies that will lead to significant lifespan extension in humans. The whole sequence of steps will yield the best result, but of course each individual step has the potential to become quite important in improving human condition, for example developing the biomarkers of aging and longevity.

One of the goals of this roadmap is to clearly illustrate the feasibility of those technological advances that will save us from the debilitating diseases of old age and buy us the precious time to live our lives the way we like.

SOURCE  Maria Konovalenko

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