How To Arrange A Successful Opening Day For Your Business

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How To Arrange A Successful Opening Day For Your Business

Opening your first business to the public is a very exciting time indeed. It probably seems like a long time has passed since the first vague idea about becoming your own boss crossed your mind.

Opening your first business to the public is a very exciting time indeed. It probably seems like a long time has passed since the first vague idea about becoming your own boss crossed your mind.

Then came all of the planning and calculating to see if the whole idea was feasible or whether it was doomed to be a flop. Soon enough things started to take shape in your mind, and on paper, until the day came when the leap had to be made, or the idea cancelled. If you got this far then you obviously took the leap and have been suffering with butterflies in your stomach and extreme excitement ever since.

Your opening day is on the horizon, and it needs to be a day to remember for both you and your customers, so what is the best way to do it?

Your opening day is on the horizon, and it needs to be a day to remember for both you and your customers, so what is the best way to do it?

There is probably a budget to be adhered to, and it will need to be spent wisely. This is a business after all, and the opening day is about raising its profile. So, with that in mind, let’s explore some of your options.

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Before people can attend your opening day, they must know about it. Advertising is a painful, but necessary expense that has to be carried. Make full use of social media where advertising can be targeted with surprising accuracy. Fewer people read the papers or notice the adverts in them these days but if you can persuade them to do an editorial on you it will be valuable.


One of the most popular methods of attracting people to your business is to hold an opening day sale. Before the day arrives, be sure that all of your goods and literature are professionally displayed in products from or another point of sale display specialist supplier. This is the one day when your business is brand new and must look its best.


Hiring a celebrity to cut the ribbon to your business is probably the best way to draw a big crowd. Think about the people that the celebrity would draw. Ken Barlow (Bill Roach) may draw and older crowd but Harry Styles would attract young ladies by the thousand. Which would you prefer to visit your new hair design salon, for example? Hiring a celebrity will be an expensive choice but it will receive recognition in the local papers and, hopefully, on the television and radio news. The power of publicity should never be underestimated.


Prepare plenty of nibbles for your new potential customers and distribute them by waiters moving through the crowds. Don’t overdo it though, or people will stay too long. Once they have seen what you have to offer in the business there is no point encouraging them to hang around unless you wish them to sign up for something.


There is no reason to waste money on top Champagne. Cheap plonk will do; very few people know the difference once it is out of the bottle anyway. Don’t drink too much yourself as you need a clear head for drumming up business at every opportunity.

The main thing is to enjoy your opening day, by getting this far you have earned it. In the blink of an eye, you will be arranging something to mark the first anniversary of the business. That will be a far more relaxed occasion.

Top Image Source - Flickr

By 33rd SquareEmbed


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