A Useful Guide to Windows VPS Hosting Solutions

Monday, April 21, 2014

A Useful Guide to Windows VPS Hosting Solutions

Here are a few things that you should consider and research before switching your organization to a Virtual Private Server (VPS).

The Virtual Private Server solutions business is thriving, with plenty of options to suit a variety of businesses and their needs. It can be a little confusing if you are trying to establish what VPS is best for you and your business, as the solutions range from high end specifications and support to the cheaper Windows VPS hosting plans. Whatever solution you decide to opt for, it needs to be right for your business.

Here are a few things that you should consider and research before you make any type of decision.

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There is an abundance of different plans and solutions that VPS providers can offer you and your business, and each come with a different level of hardware resource. The specification of any hardware is an important consideration, as it will tell you just what the performance levels are of the service that you will be receiving. Some things that you need to look out for are the amount of RAM (Random Access Memory), the CPU and network usage are all specifications that you will need to research before hand. You will also need to establish just how many VPS are currently running on the host server, as this will give you a good indication on the resource of the server and how much will be allocated to your site. Each VPS will be using a proportion of the host servers capability. So, if your site is running on a VPS host server with lots of sites that are running intensive processes, this may slow down the running of your site. This is not good news.

Virtualisation Technology:

You will need to research the virtualisation technology of the hosting supplier to understand the underlying operating program of the VPS. Is it a Windows VPS hosting system, or Linux or FreeBSD. Each virtualisation technology has different benefits, so it is worth finding out anything before hand.

The Company:

This is the most important part of understanding VPS. While you can know all there is to know about VPS, the requirements and how they can benefit you and/or your business, you need to establish just who the company providing the solution are. This will involve determining the type of support they can offer: this may include 24/7 support, email support, telephone support, or if you are buying from a local VPS solutions supplier, any call out support? Is the support only on offer during office hours? You will also need to find out what the company themselves: when where they established, how many customers do they have, who are their customers and has anyone else used them previously and currently? All this information can be found online, just be thorough with your research. You wouldn’t go in to business with a dodgy individual, so why use a dodgy supplier?

The Costs:

Obviously the costs vary from supplier to supplier, but they also vary on what level of service that your website will require. The best thing to do is to firstly establish what your requirements are, then research the companies that can offer you the service and solution you need and compare prices that way.

SOURCE  Photo taken from Flickr, courtesy of opensource.com

By 33rd SquareEmbed


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