Women in Science and Tech: Six Degrees That are in High Demand

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Women in Science

We live in a new era where not only do women have more freedom than ever, but technology's rapid advance provides more options. Brooke Chaplan looks at some fields where women are creating a big impact.

As gender equality improves country by country, women have more opportunities in our tech-driven world than ever. Women are still making remarkable changes to science and technology, but still a stigma exists against them in these fields. These areas are increasingly becoming more in demand for women interested in technology.

Computer Science

Almost everything is online now, and to continue growth in this industry, business leaders require women well versed in computer science, especially those with an eye for design. These degrees are high paying, with flexible career options available upon graduation. Whether it's digital media bachelors, or a NJIT online MBA in information technology, computer science degrees are sure to get women a better place in the workforce.

Chemical Engineers

Imagine creating new things everyday! Chemical engineers are in demand in almost every industry. As a chemical engineer, you have the chance to develop new medicines that could save lives. You can also use your degree for fields as diverse as food science and textiles, allowing you to pursue your passions with this versatile degree.


From building construction, to vehicle design, female engineers stand out by bringing a new perspective to a previously male dominated field. Additionally, engineers rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars making the degree all the more valuable. Women who are drawn to design and have skill in mathematics will excel in many industries including architecture and graphic design.

Environmental Law

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With so many issues surrounding climate change, it's time more women pursued environmental law degrees. This gives people a chance to fight for Mother Nature and shape the policies that impact our planet. The best part about getting a law degree is many schools are now offering paths to graduation online. This allows you to work from home or travel the country, unfettered by the chains of the classroom.


Do you like petri dishes and lab coats? Between food science, space exploration, and disease prevention, this field offers a little bit of something for everyone. On top of that, more scientists discover new species in this field than any other making your discoveries all the more important in the world today.


More than half a decade ago, an economic recession gripped the globe that had dire consequences for public health. For this reason, many public health programs were cut, even as threats like air pollution and poverty-based illness continued to rear their ugly heads. There's a high demand for competent epidemiologists, and your work could save thousands of lives.

"We live in a new era where not only do women have more freedom than ever, but technology's rapid advance provides more options."

We live in a new era where not only do women have more freedom than ever, but technology's rapid advance provides more options. Take advantage of today's world and pursue a technology degree. Turn your dreams into reality before the opportunity slips away.

Top Image - Wikipedia Commons

By Brooke ChaplanEmbed


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