Field Trip: Ideas to Get Kids Involved in Environmental Science

Thursday, March 6, 2014

field trip

For children, field trips are some of the most memorable experiences. Guest writer Brooke Chaplan looks at ways parents and teachers can take these opportunities to teach kids more about the environment and the world of science around them.

Children often learn more by participating in hands-on learning, and in real environments outside of traditional classrooms, or home schools. This is particularly true concerning the subjects of environmental studies and science. Many students live in urban locations, away from nature which is harder for them to have an understanding of what waterways, and natural environments really look like.

Nature Reserve

Finding a nature reserve to learn about environmental science is an excellent way to show how pollution changes streams and lakes. Bringing buckets and nets to the area is a good idea to conduct observation experiments by looking closely at items that are often floating in water. Kids may find things such as aluminum cans or plastic bottles that cause problems for plants and animals living nearby. Check the acidity of the water with test strips and compare them in the classroom to a cleaner water source like the drinking fountain.
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Learn About Recycling

Children must learn how to recycle everyday items such as cans, bottles and electronics. Large cities and rural counties will have recycle centers that are happy to have visitors. Have your kids collect recyclables at home for a week to bring along to the center to see how the items are processed. Talk to someone like a General Recycling Industries Ltd. employee with the children and have them ask questions. Provide a clipboard, paper, and pencils to students to allow them to write down their observations for discussion later.

collecting trash field trip

Collecting Trash

Kids will probably be surprised to see how much trash is tossed outside their school or home. An easy field trip is walking around a neighborhood to pick up trash, to help outdoor spaces look more beautiful. Make sure to have trash bags and protective gloves before making this trip. When you get back to the classroom, take time to sort through the trash, and talk about ways the items can be recycled.

Factory Visit

Visiting a factory to learn up close how employees protect the environment from the dangers of air pollution by using filtering systems is an excellent learning adventure for children. Many kids understand how dangerous air pollution is due to the increasing number of people with asthma. After returning to the classroom, have children make colorful posters to reinforce their learning.

Making field trips part of daily lesson plans in home, public, or private schools is a vital part of a student’s education. Field trips to learn about environmental science are easy for parents and teachers to arrange for children of different ages. A well planned field trip concerning environmental science engages all of a student’s senses to increase an understanding of the subject. 

By Brooke ChaplanSubscribe to 33rd Square


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