Between Ape and Artilect

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Between Ape and Artilect is edited by noted AI researcher Ben Goertzel, and produced by futurist organization Humanity+. During 2010-12, Dr. Goertzel conducted a series of textual interviews with researchers in various areas of cutting-edge science -- artificial general intelligence, nanotechnology, life extension, neurotechnology, collective intelligence, mind uploading, body modification, neuro-spiritual transformation, and more.

I n the new book, Between Ape and Artilect: Conversations with Pioneers of Artificial General Intelligence and Other Transformative Technologies, edited by noted AI researcher Ben Goertzel, presents a compendium of interviews and dialogues originally appearing in H+ Magazine.

During 2010-12, Dr. Goertzel conducted a series of textual interviews with researchers in various areas of cutting-edge science -- artificial general intelligence, nanotechnology, life extension, neurotechnology, collective intelligence, mind uploading, body modification, neuro-spiritual transformation, and more.

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"We are creatures of flesh and blood, on the verge of engineering creatures made from a much wider variety of substances, and of transmogrifying ourselves into all sorts of novel forms," writes Goertzel.

"We are creatures of flesh and blood, on the verge of engineering creatures made from a much wider variety of substances, and of transmogrifying ourselves into all sorts of novel forms."

The central focus of the dialogues in the book is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) – the quest to make software or hardware with the same sort of thinking power as humans.

These interviews are gathered together in a single volume. The resulting series of dialogues treats a variety of social, futurological and scientific topics in a way that is accessible to the educated non-scientist, yet also deep and honest to the subtleties of the topics being discussed. Between Ape and Artilect is a must-read if you want the real views, opinions, ideas, muses and arguments of the people creating our future.

Table of Contents

  • Itamar Arel: AGI via Deep Learning
  • Pei Wang: What Do You Mean by “AI”?
  • Joscha Bach: Understanding the Mind
  • DeGaris Interviews Goertzel: Seeking the Sputnik of AGI
  • Linas Vepstas: AGI, Open Source and Our Economic Future
  • Joel Pitt: The Benefits of Open Source for AGI
  • João Pedro de Magalhães: Ending Aging
  • David Brin: Sousveillance
  • J. Storrs Hall: Intelligent Nano Factories and Fogs
  • Mohamad Tarifi: AGI and the Emerging Peer-to-Peer Economy
  • Muehlhauser & Goertzel: Rationality, Risk, and the Future of AGI
  • Paul Werbos: Will Humanity Survive?
  • Wendell Wallach: Machine Morality
  • Francis Heylighen: The Emerging Global Brain
  • Steve Omohundro: The Wisdom of the Global Brain and the Future of AGI
  • Alexandra Elbakyan: Beyond the Borg
  • Zhou Changle: Zen and the Art of Intelligent Robotics
  • Hugo DeGaris: Is God an Alien Mathematician?
  • Lincoln Cannon: The Most Transhumanist Religion?
  • Jeffery Martin & Mikey Siegel: Engineering Enlightenment

SOURCE  Humanity+

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