Ray Kurzweil on the Nanobots that Will Connect Us to the Cloud

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

 Ray Kurzweil
Author, Google Engineer, and futurist Ray Kurzweil tells Wall Street Journal Editor in Chief Gerard Baker that advancing technologies will be integrated into ourselves. He speaks at WSJ’s CIO Network in San Diego.

I n what might be seen as further evidence that Google will soon be developing nanotechnology in a big way, the company's Director of Engineering, Ray Kurzweil, spoke at the Wall Street Journal's CIO Network recently on the future of nanobots in our bodies.

"We'll have millions - billions of blood cell-sized computers in our bloodstream in the 2030's keeping us healthy, augmenting our immune system, also going into our brain, putting our neocortex on the Cloud," says Kurzweil. "Basically expanding our neocortex to the Cloud."

Ray Kurzweil

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It’s all part of a rapidly evolving integration of human and artificial intelligence, which the author, scientist and inventor refers to as the Singularity.

"We’re going to expand who we are. We’re going to become more non-biological,” Kurzweil, author of How to Create a Mind said. The biological capabilities of the human mind are improving at a linear rate, while the non-biological capabilities of technology are increasing at an exponential rate.

SOURCE  Wall Street Journal
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