Ray Kurzweil is Not SocraticGadfly's Savior

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Ray Kurzweil
Skeptical blogger Socratic Gadfly has written a poem about Ray Kurzweil and the Singularity.

F rom the other side of the fence, Socratic Gadfly offers this skeptical poem about Ray Kurzweil and the Singularity:

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I uploaded my life to the cloud.
Ray Kurzweil said I could reinvent myself
As an immortal Singularitan.

Beyond not believing this was possible,
I didn’t know what I would do,
Or what it might feel like,
If it were the case.

What if the power went off?
Would I then not be immortal?
If I were rebooted, would I remember the down time?
A man’s cybermolecules scattered all across the damned universe,
Would I feel like “Immortal, Interrupted”?

What if I didn’t get a software upgrade
In a timely fashion?
What if I were on a slow connection speed?
Would I feel like “Immortal, Second Class”?
Ditto for all my necessary hardware.

What if resource wars break out
Because everybody else likes Kurzweil’s opportunity?
Will our planet run dry?
Will Kurzweil’s Fordies kill the rest of us, or make us drones?

These were only a few of the many questions
That wandered through my mind.
So I shut the lid to Pandora’s laptop
And toddled off to face a strange, unsettled sleep.

What do you think?
For another recent look at Kurzweil, check out this piece at the Silicon Valley Business Journal.

SOURCE  Socratic Gadfly

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