Capital Crisis: Five Natural Resources We Are Endangering

Friday, January 10, 2014

Capital Crisis: Five Natural Resources We Are Endangering

 The Environment
Nobody said the future is going to be easy. Anica Oaks examines five environmental and resource issues that will affect everyone and require solutions going forward.

Humans are endangering many natural resources simply by engaging in their daily activities. If you don't want to be a part of the problem, you should be informed of the natural resources in danger and make decisions to avoid contributing to the problem. Here are five natural resources in danger of depletion.

1. Oil

The world's oil supply is in danger of being depleted by 2057, according to the American Petroleum Institute. Environmentalists are in a hurry to find a way to fuel the earth without oil. This means building an electric car infrastructure to preserve oil in the world and looking for alternative energy sources. Everyone is immensely concerned because it takes millions of years for the earth to make new petroleum. This is the reason for rising fuel and food costs.

2. Fish

Fish is another natural resource that's in danger of being depleted. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that 70 percent of the world's fish stock has been exploited or completely depleted. Depletion is causing a huge breakdown in the food chain and is upsetting the ecosystem.
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3. Wood

Forests are being endangered by deforestation at an alarming rate. Forests have reached their maturity but are not being harvested. Meanwhile, other forests are being destroyed to grow other crops. Destroying forests has numerous implications including endangering animal species and reducing the amount of oxygen released into the environment as well as the carbon dioxide taken from it.

4. Food Crops

Believe it or not, the entire food supply is endangered. Over-farming is a huge issue and affects the crops when they are not allowed to rest in between seasons. The soil will be depleted, and food shortage may occur. Forests are being cut to make room for cattle grazing. Further, pesticides are suspected to be the culprit behind the dying of the honey bee, a loss that would result in the disappearance of all of our food crops that depend on pollination. We must discover and confront the cause lest we lose that critical link in the earth's ecosystem.

5. Minerals and Wetlands

Mineral exploitation began in the Industrial Revolution in 1760. These minerals are necessary to provide housing, food, and clothing. Mineral exploitation should be monitored to improve the situation. Wetlands are saturated by surface or groundwater. Cattails, red maples, wild rice, cranberries, blackberries, and peat moss are some vegetation that's sustained in a healthy wetland area. Wetlands are known for providing improved food and habitat, commercial fishing, improved water quality, commercial fishing, floodwater reduction, recreation, and shoreline stabilization. Humans must take care not to engage in behaviors that will cause erosion.

How to Help Save the Earth

If you want to participate in saving the earth, you should attend college or a seminar to learn more about how to get involved. Marine biology colleges will offer courses that will help students learn more about this growing issue and learn to make changes to improve the way the earth works. Also local activism is always a great place to start, as you can see the tangible benefits of the efforts.

By Anica OaksSubscribe to 33rd Square

Author Bio - A recent college graduate from University of San Francisco, Anica loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she's used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here.

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