With her TEDx Albany talk entitled "Wearable Technology like Google GLASS: Advancement? Dehumanization?", Michele Dutcher examines the varied reactions to this technology ranging from fear to cult-like blind acceptance. |
Michele Dutcher specializes in interactive technology/marketing and communications, with years of experience in web usability, information architecture, design/development, content management and marketing communications. She is is a Google GLASS Explorer - one of 8,000 in the United States.
In her TEDx Albany talk entitled "Wearable Technology like Google GLASS: Advancement? Dehumanization?", Dutcher discusses the varied reactions to this technology ranging from Orwellian fear to Matrix-esque blind acceptance.
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Once technology rolls over you, if you are not part of the steamroller, you're part of the road.
-Stewart Brand
Dutcher is the Interactive Marketing and Communications Manager at Excelsior College. She also suffers from cholesteatoma, an expanding growth of keratinizing cells in the middle ear. This condition produces hearing loss, so Dutcher already has a hearing aid that is physically screwed into her skull. "I'm all jacked-up and bionic already, so wearing Glass is not going to be the leap for me as it might be for one of you," she tells her audience.

Dutcher examines the psychology behind peoples' reactions to technology (historically and presently) and aims to initiate a culture-wide discussion on being human and technologically-advanced.
She asks: Does advancing surgical capabilities with GLASS mean conceding to a Dalek-like existence? Will advancing GPS features translate to relinquishing all privacy to the NSA? How is it that in our culture GLASS is simultaneously feared for becoming the gateway to a future of GLASS-wearing human simulators while held to a higher beta stage standard for capabilities? What is the current public comfort level with wearable technology and how does that compare to the onset of past inventions - cell phone/telephone, computer, automobile, air travel?
With years of experience in web usability, information architecture, design/development, content management and marketing communications, she is aslo passionate about technology usability and human rights. She manages communications in the higher education field and is currently writing a science fiction collection of stories.
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