A Brilliant Introduction To Transhumanism

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The British Institute of Posthuman Studies (BIOPS) investigate three dominant areas of transhumanism: super longevity, super intelligence and super wellbeing, in a new short film about the subject.

In a well-made short film, the British Institute of Posthuman Studies (BIOPS) investigate three dominant areas of transhumanism: super longevity, super intelligence and super wellbeing, and briefly cover the ideas of thinkers Aubrey de Grey, Ray Kurzweil and David Pearce.

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PostHuman: An Introduction to Transhumanism is the first of the institute's planned video series on transhumanism, titled PostHuman.

Writers Marco Vega and Peter Brietbart have shared a passion for philosophy since they first met at Sussex University five years ago. Over time, they became frustrated with the classical, removed armchair philosophy, and began to look for philosophically sophisticated ideas with real human impact.

"Transhumanism stood out as a practical, far-seeing, radical and urgent field, informed by science and guided by moral philosophy."


If you like the video, you can help to make others like it happen. See BIOPS Kickstarter at http://kck.st/Huitjs

SOURCE  British Institute of Posthuman Studies

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