What Excites Larry Page About The Future

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Future
Following an extended absence, Google's Larry Page spoke recently at the Zeitgeist Americas 2013 conference.  Page spoke about the importance of innovation and long-term thinking as a way to bring about the future we want.

Co-founder and CEO of Google, Larry Page recently talked about what excites him about the future during Zeitgeist Americas 2013.

It was Page's first appearance in months following a prolonged absence due to a undisclosed illness that left him unable to speak.

Page spoke about the importance of organizations to put appropriate resources to non-incremental change, or 'moonshot' thinking.

Larry Page

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"In my experience, as long as you have ambitious goals that matter; that are important to the world, technology can kind of do anything.   It's amazing what gifted, talented scientists and engineers can do if you just ask them, and you motivate them," said Page.

Referring to Google Glass, Page admits that he is very excited about the product.  "When I use the product, I get chills because it feels like I am using the future and living the future," he said.

Page also took questions during the event, as well as takes questions.

SOURCE  Zeitgeist

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