Natasha Vita-More Talks About the Whole Body Prosthetic

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Recently, Singularity Weblog's Nikola Danaylov interviewed Natasha Vita-More and discussed her ideas about Whole Body Prosthetic and Substrate Autonomous, Networked Avatar Bodies by Design.

Dr. Natasha Vita-More has been called “the first female philosopher of transhumanism.” Recently, Singularity Weblog's Nikola Danaylov interviewed her and discussed her ideas about Whole Body Prosthetic and Substrate Autonomous, Networked Avatar Bodies by Design.

During the interview, a variety of interesting topics were covered, such as: her whole body prosthetic project; backing up the body as well as the mind; “back-casting” her vision and ultimate goals; the problem of identity in moving from one substrate to another; the timeline and scientific break-throughs in robotics, artificial intelligence and cognitive neuroscience necessary to make the whole body prosthetic a reality; consciousness and quantum mechanics.

As co-editor of The Transhumanist Reader, Vita-More also talks about dealing with skeptics and whether the world is ready for transhumanism and radical life-extension.

Natasha Vita-More

Vita-More, is the founder and creative director of esDESiGN and the producer and host of H+TV online. Her research concerns the design aesthetics of human enhancement and radical life extension, with a focus on emerging and speculative sciences and technologies. Her conceptual future human design “Primo Posthuman” has been featured in Wired, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, The New York Times, U.S. News & World Report, Net Business, Teleopolis, and Village Voice.

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She has appeared in over twenty-four televised documentaries on the future and culture, and has exhibited media artworks at National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Brooks Memorial Museum, Institute of Contemporary Art, Women In Video, Telluride Film Festival, and United States Film Festival and recently “Evolution Haute Couture: Art and Science in the Post-Biological Age” and is the recipient of several awards: First Place Award at Brooks Memorial Museum, Special Recognition at Women in Video, and special recognition for “Futures Podcast Series”.

Dr. Vita-More is a proponent of human rights and ethical means for human enhancement, and is published in Artifact, Technoetic Arts, Nanotechnology Perceptions, Sistemi Intelligenti, Metaverse Creativity, D’ARS, and the Global Spiral. 

SOURCE  Singularity Weblog

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