The film "Toward Intelligent Humanoids" is about the efforts at IDISA (Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence) to apply artificial intelligence to create autonomous, adaptive, intelligent behaviors on a humanoid robot. It explains many of the problems that humanoids pose with respect to state of the art AI approaches, and it introduces some of our solutions to these problems. |
The video is aiming to highlighting the researchers' work on the technologies, architectures and algorithms required to give an iCub robot more human-like abilities. This includes the ability to reason about and manipulate its local environment, and in the process, to acquire new skills that can be applied to future problems. The work presented was developed during the European IM-CLeVeR project.
The iCub robot is an open-source humanoid platform developed during the RobotCub project and now mainly developed by the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT). More than 20 laboratories worldwide are using the iCub platform in research areas such as human-robot interaction, computer reasoning, motion planning and "socially aware robotics".
In the video, the team describes motivations, challenges and successes during this project, in such diverse fields as computer vision, motion planning, "reflex" behaviors and reinforcement learning.
The video was shot and produced by Tomás Donoso who spent a month in our lab last summer and learned a lot about robots.
With this video the IDISA hopes to provide the public with some factual information about the state of the art in humanoid robotics, in contrast to the Hollywood version of the story. Moreover, by voicing our support for the iCub humanoid robot as a research platform, we hope to generate some interest in open source robotics among young researchers in Computer Science and Engineering.
SOURCE Tomás Donoso
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